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Jo Anne Green

1335 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Gem of The Week: Life Is... By Mother Theresa
8/26/2008 10:45:19 PM
Sunny Greetings from the Central Valley of California to Lebanon, Indiana, Bev!

Thank you for stopping by and for your comment.

You wrote:
"If there was one person that I would have ever wanted to meet it would have been Mother Theresa. She is truly Saint Theresa!"
You are in good company, my friend. Mother Theresa has been admired and adored by millions of people around the world. She is one of my favorite people.

I created a special thread to honor Mother Theresa on Mother's Day this year. When you have a moment, I would love to have your visit there. Here is the link:

I appreciate your friendship and support, Bev.

Until next time --

Have an Awesome Week!

JoAnne Green
Principal / International Risk Management Advisor
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Jo Anne Green

1335 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Gem of The Week: Life Is... By Mother Theresa
8/26/2008 11:06:31 PM
Sunny Greetings from the Central Valley of California to
Kiryat-Ono, Israel, Peter!

I am delighted to have you on this forum. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your post.

You wrote:
Pearls of wisdom indeed. She didn't waste any words and hit the nail on the head with each point." That is a very good observation about Mother Theresa. Whether in writing or lectures, she was quite outspoken, to the point, and eloquently profound.

I enjoy reading her essays and poems. Her words always lift up my spirit.

I appreciate your friendship and support, Peter.

Until next time --

Have an Awesome Week!

JoAnne Green
Principal / International Risk Management Advisor
Integrity 901bbalb.gif (879 bytes) Experience 901bbalb.gif (879 bytes) Dependability

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Jo Anne Green

1335 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Gem of The Week: Life Is... By Mother Theresa
8/26/2008 11:13:46 PM

Sunny Greetings from the Central Valley of California to Port Rowan, Canada, Shirley

I am delighted to have you on this forum.
Thank you so much for stopping by and for your post.

Mother Theresa was a amazingly loving person. She left us such a wonderful legacy and a lot of wisdom.

I appreciate your friendship and support, Shirley.

Until next time --

Have an Awesome Week!

JoAnne Green
Principal / International Risk Management Advisor
Integrity 901bbalb.gif (879 bytes) Experience 901bbalb.gif (879 bytes) Dependability

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Jo Anne Green

1335 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Gem of The Week: Life Is... By Mother Theresa
8/26/2008 11:18:49 PM

Sunny Greetings from the Central Valley of California to Brampton, Canada, Nick

Thank you so much for stopping by, my friend.
Also thanks for a nice graphic.

I am very happy that we are friends, Nick.

Again, I appreciate your friendship and support.

Until next time --

Have an Awesome Week!

JoAnne Green
Principal / International Risk Management Advisor
Integrity 901bbalb.gif (879 bytes) Experience 901bbalb.gif (879 bytes) Dependability

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Wherever you are in the world,
our worldwide travel assistance is
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Sunburst International Risk Managementwww.InternationalRiskManagement.comSunburst Worldwide Insurance
Re: Gem of The Week: Life Is... By Mother Theresa
9/22/2008 2:46:57 AM

Hello JoAnne,

Thanks for posting words of wisdom, which may be considered as a truly blessings from Mother Theresa`s heart.

Living in USA, maybe you are not aware of a silent war, which is today less than it was about 10 and more years ago, between Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christians. (In past, specially during the 2nd WW, this war was so, so bloody).

For opening a more peaceful dialog between those two confessions (until 1054th they were together) Mother Theresa is so very deserved.

Orthodox Christians do not pray in Catholics holy people and opposite, also do not admit them as a holy one.

I was born as an Orthodox Serb. And Mother Theresa was born as Albanian Catholic.

Serbia was bombed due Albanians and still we are not at peace at all.

BUT, One of my biggest helpers and One that HEAR AND FULFILL my prayers, is Mother Theresa. I LOVE HER.

Churches and confessions are institutions and buildings.

LOVE is an outcome for this world. It doesn`t need and it cann`t be institutionalized.


On behalf of Mother Theresa`s prayers, may Lord bless you all!




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