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Len Berghoef

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Mercury In Drinking Water
8/21/2008 11:18:49 AM

Hello Adlandpro friends,

What can be found in our drinking water can be down right scary!

Here is more information on another heavy metal that can be found in our water.  Like lead, mercury is a heavy metal that can have serious health effects.

It is an inorganic contaminant that may get into water supplies via natural deposits or through crop run-off or may seep into water supplies near spills and toxic waste sites that are contaminated with mercury.

Once mercury has entered the body, it may be months before all of it leaves. At lower levels, Mercury can cause kidney and nervous system disorders.

Long-term exposure can permanently damage the brain, kidneys, and developing fetuses. According to the Hall Water Report, "Pressure is building for EPA to release an overdue report on mercury that suggests the metal is more potent and widespread as a public health threat than previously believed, estimating that 85,000 American women are being exposed to mercury at levels high enough to affect the brain development of unborn children."

~Article by Multi-Pure Corp~

Multi-Pure Drinking Water Systems is the best way to protect yourself and your family against harmful chemicals in your drinking water. Consumers Digest's Best Buy.

Multi-Pure Drinking water Systems provide the most effective filters on the market today. 750 gallons with one filter. Cost = $60 

Cheaper then Bottled water by far where there are no regulations costs on average $2.23 per gallon or more = $2,132.82 per year! 


Len Berghoef
MP Distributor #163073

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Sue Dietrich

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Re: Mercury In Drinking Water
8/21/2008 12:10:19 PM

Awesome blog Len.  Many talk of health products Pure Water is one of the most important things there is for your health. The way todays world has become you never know what you might be drinking.

Many people will tell me you do not look 53.  Granted my pic is a couple years older but really not that much, and of course I have aged a little. I take care of myself. I use good products like Mary Kay the main thing I do is drink a lot of water. That pure water is not only good for the inside it is one major thing you can do for your skin. Its also a major thing for losing weight and being healthy.

So everyone really needs to take a hard look at the Pure Water for your doctors will tell you and the mirror will show you.

Keep Smiling


Joyce Sanders

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Re: Mercury In Drinking Water
8/21/2008 12:58:27 PM
Great Post Len !!

I certainly understand the importance of good drinking water.  We are blessed in my town to have a very pure water record.  Of course, a person has to deal with other issues too, like chlorine and stuff. 

I used to live out of town and had a deep well. No telling what kind of critters were in that water.  I was told a long time ago by a well driller that if a person thought they had pure drinking water via. natural sources they were just fooling themselves.  This was years ago.  I imagine things have gotten worse since then. 

Thanks for the head up!
Len Berghoef

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Re: Mercury In Drinking Water
8/21/2008 1:22:08 PM

Hi Sue,

Good to see you! Thank you for stopping by and posting! I appreciate it very much! 

Although I cannot speak to how much purified water affects you on the outside, but I know that it will keep you healthy on the inside. I agree with the others you definitely look much younger then 53! :)

Many of the harmful chemicals found in the water today end up causing cancer. Many people do not realize that your organs need water to function properly. It stands to reason that the quality of water you put in your body is critically important.
This is especially true for children of all ages.

Have a great day Sue!



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Len Berghoef

1472 Posts
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Re: Mercury In Drinking Water
8/21/2008 1:40:56 PM

Hi Joyce,

Thanks for taking the time to post here! :)

Your well driller knew what he was talking about!

Did you know that 2/3 of your body weight is water.

Water helps keep your muscles and skin toned, assists in weight loss, transports oxygen and nutrients to cells, eliminates toxins and wastes from the body, and regulates body temperature. Drinking refreshing, clean water plays a major role in reducing the risk of certain diseases.

For better health, drink at least 8 glasses of clean water a day!

This was on Fox News last night did you happen to see it?
Here is the link:,4670,MEDArsenicDiabetes,00.html

Have a good one Joyce!


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