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Judy Smith

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Re: Take time-out for a little light relief
8/20/2008 4:00:06 PM

Oh, Woger, I am so sowwy, I fowgot to sign my post -

Gammy - (And the rest of them are copying him - so now I am Gammy to all of them instead of Grammy)

Oh well,


Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Take time-out for a little light relief
8/23/2008 3:57:27 PM
Judy, We make a good pair. Gammy and Gandan. Just thought of another word. For years my folks adopted my word for motorcycle or motorbike it was BLETHERBIKE. Don't know why, it was probably the only way a 3 year old could describe the noise. Roger
Re: Take time-out for a little light relief
8/23/2008 4:53:03 PM

Hello Roger!!  Thanks for the invite.

Looks like you have a lot of fun words going on.  Not being around children much for many years now, I forget what cute things they would say.  Maybe later, I will remember.

For now all I can think of is like with Sarah, a de-stresser, I will usually say "Oh, poodley, doodley, pooh."  Wilson has picked up the habit now when he is frustrated over something!!

Think I got it for Missy Pooh/Little Miss our cat.  She gets blamed for everything that goes wrong.  I just tell her it is all her fault and of course she looks at me with those eyes about half open with the 'yeah, right' expression!!

Have a wonderful evening,


Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Take time-out for a little light relief
8/24/2008 3:50:15 AM
Works for me Sara, If I say, "Oh , poodly, doodley, pooh" it makes me smile. You could send this to Beverley, I think it fits the bill on her forum. Tell her I sent you. Roger
Jen Maxwell

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Re: Take time-out for a little light relief
8/24/2008 3:41:53 PM

Hi Roger,

What a good forum.

My sons both loved spasgetti for supper!

My son James, always added an S on be.  I bees good mommy!

Let's hear some more.

Have a wonderful week,


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