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Peter Fogel

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I'm Accused Of Being Paranoid
8/15/2008 9:19:54 AM

Hello Friends,

Yesterday I discovered a thread created by Joe Bucherri that I found to be questionable and replied to the post.

You can see his post here and the only difference is that the original one said he was looking for "only" 50 people and now he's down to 30. If you believe that, I have my serious doubts.

In any case here are my replies to this post and his before he deleted them for obvious reasons.

Posted: 14-08-2008 08:32 AM

Hello Joe & "Team",


Why would you charge $5 per week when anyone can get this information for free????? 


What's New This week at Grants.Gov (new opportunities)





Peter Fogel

Reverse Funnel


Hi Pete:


While we appreciate your links, these are not the grants we have as being available. What you are directing people to are those that will take several months, if not an entire year to be reviewed and " possibly " approved. Those are grants one must supply much in paper work over to be considered for review. Of course, you had no way of knowing the entire process. As I mentioned our fiscal department handles most of what is shared. We here stateside and who are in the broadcasting industry are provided much in the way of these worthy opportunities. Our operation  personally applied for one of these grants and it took less than four weeks for the application to be reviewed, approved and funds released; it was completed with the assistance of the program being presented. This is also the reason we were able to move quickly in our recent format change and subsequent marketing campaigns.


Thanks for your input.

Joe Buccheri 

Hello Joe,


Let me see if I understand you correctly.

You're saying that you have access to Government grants that aren't published in the official Government Grants website???


It makes no difference whether you're stateside or anywhere else in the world. As a US citizen you're eligible for a grant if you qualify. If I'm not mistaken non US citizens also qualify under certain circumstances; but that's the exception to the rule.

It doesn't sound or seem logical that US government grants will be found elsewhere other then on their official website.


I don't know what sort of grant your "operation" applied for (possibly from private sources?) but if it was a government grant and it took 4 weeks then others can do it in that time frame too.






And then I received Notification that my posts were deleted for "updates".


So I posted the following a short 2 sentences stating that I was waiting to see how long it would take him to delete my posts since he has a record for censoring/deleting posts he has no answer to.


Well, it was no surprise that that too was deleted too but this time I was accused of being paranoid.


At 8/15/2008 5:27:23 AM a message you posted entitled

to the forum "A Wonderful New Year At Adlandpro"

was deleted by the forum owner/moderator.

The owner/moderator provided the following reason(s) for removing your post:

Dear Sir:
You need to see someone about your paranoia

Oh well, I'll let you be the judge if I'm paranoid or not. I think not. What I do think is that the $5 a week offer is questionable to say the least and takes advantage of some naive and possibly gullible folks.

All I can say is be careful and check the sources before you invest your hard earned monies.






Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: I'm Accused Of Being Paranoid
8/15/2008 9:31:55 AM
Hello Peter, Well sometimes People think because you have A so Called radio title behind you it is suppose to mean something when in fact it doesnt. Some one can holler all they want as to being the radio discjockey all they want and advertise that they are the best or have the best offers, you know if you do not have good character then nothing they say will hold up. Its like all the people who do the blog talk radio they have just as much as importance then those that claim they have a radio station out of there home claiming it as a real radio show. Come on, its like the 3 little pigs and the wolf, I will huff and puff till I blow your house down!!! Thats all it is to me when it comes to hearing such things. This all can be debated but those who know, really know what is going on and is not being taken in or fooled by anyone. We also can holler very loudly!!!!!! Thank goodness for people like you who are not afraid to stand up to those who just benefit for themselves and using there station and so called interns for examples. Kathy Hamilton
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Geketa Holman

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Re: I'm Accused Of Being Paranoid
8/15/2008 10:50:25 AM
Hi Peter,

I see you are exposing more dirt here in Adland Thank you kindly. I would not call your paranoid I would say you are looking out for your friends and those that can be taken in by every scam that comes along. Why would anyone buy something they can get for free?

Kathy .. I agree with you dear .. you nailed it with you statements about pod cast from home ; it don't make any difference what the  title might be behind your name. Pod cast are just that POD CAST!
Those of us on blog talk are just as important and we offer just as much information as anyone else claiming to be a radio station.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: I'm Accused Of Being Paranoid
8/15/2008 10:55:54 AM

Hello Geketa,

You bet, Actually i think we get more exposure from blog talk then a so called do it at home radio station ,I do not care who puts up what statistics I think they are full of balony just trying to make themselves feel and have everyone think they are someone or something. At least at Blog Talk every one knows first hand its real.

If i was doing radio from my home I could sit and spit out all sorts of B.S, you still do not know if its real or not. Everyone knows the great Reputation Blog talk Radio has and is used by everyone. Its the real deal.


I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Thomas Richmond

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Re: I'm Accused Of Being Paranoid
8/15/2008 11:19:25 AM
Achi, it could be an intern replying to you in these cases? But you do have a right to look out for us. I have had so called (Updates) of my posts that have been deleted as well. Oh well. God_bless you
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