Troubled Ones
There are people every place
you would like to travel,
So all of your wonders would
begin to unravel.
Now there seems to be not a place
to hide from emotions,
With the big waves that are just like any
seek and destroy promotions.
Needing the trouble caused in how
they chose destruction to live,
Never having a good thing to say or
a good deed in which to give.
Always relying on their gift of being
the cause of any type of trouble,
Only because that their own lives
have started turning to rubble.
These are the sour type of people who we
should always be leaving all alone,
The fighting they leave behind is worse
than leaving sour meat on a bone.
Partying with joy on the turmoil that
they can always start,
They never feel that great until they
stab you in your broken Heart.
Getting energized when they can
start to feel the pain,
Knowing all to well that they have
left a desired pain.
Now we have their secrets and know
what on which they strive,
Be cheerful and watch their Spirit dwindle
and their power take a dive.
Showing Love to everyone you happen to
come in touch with and around,
Until all these negative people and Spirits
are no where to be found.
So now is the time that we can out of
Happiness raise our voices,
Because all of a sudden we have begun
to make the proper choices.
Written by
Michael Derowin