Bonjour Thomas et al, My goodness, what a lovely surprise! You sneeky thing Thomas! Last year I told you that I kept quiet about my birthdays (a vanity thing, I suppose!) and so you didn't do a party for me, but this year you've got me! Everyone, I thank you for your wishes and lovely comments. Some brought a tear to my eye and Branka, goodness me, more than a tear, I can tell you. Thank you so much. You are helping me to overcome my dislike of birthdays. Well, it's not a dislike of birthdays really, just a dislike of being another year older!! and all that goes with it. As I said, it's a vanity thing I suppose. I haven't liked having a birthday since I left my teens and became twenty. Sad case, aren't I!!!! LOL I must thank our friend Peter for pointing me in this direction. I was so busy that I almost missed this lovely celebration of my birthday. Thank you for sharing your love and wishes and for opening my eyes to another positive point about birthdays, that is that friendship flows and strengthens with the wonderful wishes. Big Angel Cuddles to everyone, Sarah Anyone care to join me in some chocolate cake so that middle age spread doesn't spread too far on me!