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Michael Derowin

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Re: A Sad Day
8/13/2008 10:23:32 AM
Hi Kathy,

                         My True Friends

Having what some call True Friends
Keeping together until no ends
Never walk in front as I do not lead
To walk in front you must be full of greed
To walk behind them I do not follow
Moving along like this I feel hollow
I always walk with Friends at my side
So I can show them I am filled with Pride

So if I am being tempted to sway again Kathy I know my friends are walking beside.

Enjoy your Day my Friend

Kathy Hamilton

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Re: A Sad Day
8/13/2008 11:59:35 AM
Hello Michael, Seeing that I am the Angel of Adlandpro given to me by all the folks in Adland I will officially tell you that you have your own personal angel beside you each and every day. I will always be there when you need me. Kathy Hamilton/simikathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: A Sad Day
8/13/2008 1:02:58 PM

I'm so pleased to see that you have decided to stay.

As for us meeting one day,

Think positive and happen that may.

Angel cuddles,

A delighted Sarah

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Michael Derowin

770 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: A Sad Day
8/13/2008 2:13:58 PM

Thank-you Sarah.

You were  right Your Angel Help Worked for me BUT not the others


Michael Derowin

770 Posts
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Re: A Sad Day
8/13/2008 6:30:19 PM

My Friends,

I can not close this forum in such a negative way after we have all said such Positive Comments. I did have this problem solved until I did that final post. I am going to leave it as it is written so I can remember those who messed up my day.
I now need fix this volcano that erupted for no reason this day. This was not caused by the ones I had written about here, this was done to avenge my supposed anger with these people.

My word was given to let you post if you wanted when I had made up my mind if I was to stay. I do plan on sharing more Poetry with my friends in "My Poetry Corner".



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