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Michael Derowin

770 Posts
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Our Mountains
8/7/2008 7:58:49 AM

The Rockies


Near my home there are the most beautiful sight

called the Canadian Rocky Mountains,

They are the world known for their National Parks

that have no showy City fountains.


Natural beauty full of just Nature without

all of the mankind’s florescent lights,

You walk around without hardly any traffic

so you can see Mother Earth’s sights.


The Mountains have been here it seems from

the beginning of our human time,

What we do to them with all the construction

of manmade objects is such a crime.


We seem to be unable to leave Mother Nature

alone without the Laws made by man,

This is not what Mother Nature had wanted

nor was it in her long range plan.


If this is what was planned for them the places

for them would naturally be clear,

Not done by bulldozers and trucks because of our

need to grow when we became near.


We blew great holes in them to put in our own

railroads and highways for easy travel,

Making the natural rock crumble into our own

small but useful building gravel.


If mankind knew then what we know now they still

would have begun all this destruction,

Only because we could not live without all of our

own needy building construction.


With all the gas fumes which kills all of Nature’s

generous beauty for there to be seen,

We should leave thy Mother Earth alone to show

what has always and should have been.


Written by,


Michael Derowin


Gary Doyle

16 Posts
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Re: Our Mountains
8/7/2008 8:39:10 AM
Hello my Friend Michael,

The mother earth supplies all the needs of all.  It even supplies the antidode to man made things... Let us pray to God that they have not the power to destroy it all.

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Judy Smith

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Re: Our Mountains
8/7/2008 8:57:59 AM

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the invitation.  Your poem as usual is great.  I found it thought provoking.  When I think of what we (mankind) has done to some of God's bueatiful nature - oh my!!

Thanks for sharing!


Jen Maxwell

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Re: Our Mountains
8/7/2008 10:16:29 AM

Hi Michael,

This says it all, and how my husband and I love to camp in the
mountains surrounded by lakes and forest, wildflowers and
wildlife.  We truly know that we are in God's country and come
back to the city feeling serenity and peace.

Have a great and glorious day,


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Nick Sym

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Re: Our Mountains
8/7/2008 12:30:11 PM

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