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Re: OK Folks it time to announce the winner of the BFA August 2008 !!!!
8/7/2008 12:14:09 PM

Thank you John P., your forum deserves a win also.  It will come and soon, I am sure.

Have a wonderful day!


Re: OK Folks it time to announce the winner of the BFA August 2008 !!!!
8/7/2008 12:16:58 PM

Judy, thank you!!  Your support of Expressions of Nature is much appreciated and with all your knowledge, we welcome every visit!!  Bring those butterfly & garden pictures.

God bless,


Re: OK Folks it time to announce the winner of the BFA August 2008 !!!!
8/7/2008 12:20:27 PM

Thank you, JoAnne, for bringing Sunshine from California and all your wonderful comments.  Your support is greatly appreciated.


Re: OK Folks it time to announce the winner of the BFA August 2008 !!!!
8/7/2008 12:25:15 PM

Dear Bogdan, thank you for the congratulations.  Also, I am delighted that Joe has joined with Pauline and agree that has no where to go but  'up'.  Pauline has done a good and faithful job even during a most distressing time of life.

Since you have brought us 'Double Pleasure'


Re: OK Folks it time to announce the winner of the BFA August 2008 !!!!
8/7/2008 12:27:44 PM

Hello Jen!  Thank you and thanks for bringing some party animals.

So let's CELEBRATE!!




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