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Beverly Kersey

1239 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: The Daily Inspiration For Today
10/26/2008 5:57:38 PM


OCTOBER 26, 2008

God did not promise sun without rain,

Light without darkness or joy without pain---

He only promised us strength for the day

When the darkness comes and we lose our way.

Helen Steiner Rice

Today generate understanding and radiate love. Try turning the light on in the life of another individual.


Beverly Kersey
Beverly Kersey

1239 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: The Daily Inspiration For Today
10/27/2008 2:22:13 PM


OCTOBER 27, 2008

Father, make us kind and wise

So we may always recognize

The blessings that are ours to take

And the friendship that are ours to make.

Helen Steiner Rice

Today restore any broken relationship. Maintain and support your friendships. A friend is a gift from God.

Beverly Kersey
Beverly Kersey

1239 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: The Daily Inspiration For Today
10/28/2008 4:31:52 PM


OCTOBER 28, 2008

A mother's love is something

That no one can explain,

It is made of deep devotion

And of sacrifice and pain.

Helen Steiner Rice

Today honor and remember your mother in an appropriate manner---a visit, a prayer, a message.

Beverly Kersey
Beverly Kersey

1239 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: The Daily Inspiration For Today
10/29/2008 2:36:53 PM


OCTOBER 29, 2008

Everything is by comparison,

Both the bitter and the sweet,

And it takes a bit of both of them

To make our lives complete.

Helen Steiner Rice

Today maintain an attitude of thanksgiving. Be thankful for all events in your life: sorrows and joys, failures and successes, the valleys and the mountains.

Beverly Kersey
Shelly Hargis

523 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Daily Inspirations To Keep Us Focused On Ourselves And Others
10/30/2008 11:04:30 AM

Hi Beverly. What a wonderful forum you have here. You have devoted so much time into this and it is so Beautiful. You definately deserved and still deserve the POTW. You are such a warm hearted person and your forums show that. Thanks for sharing all of these wonderful and Inspirational words with us here. It does make a difference to many of us here. :) :)

Your Friend,

Shelly Hargis
