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Re: Weekly Personal & Home Security tips.
8/24/2005 1:56:57 PM
Hi Everyone. Well, I have re-set all the settings in the back office of the 'Blog page' & hopefully everyone will get in with no error messages (Fingers crossed). Yahoo have explained it is in'Beta testing' so maybe that was a glitch, or maybe I set something wrong........ I have also posted the (almost) complete 'Blog' in another thread in this forum, so there is no need to 'chase it' We will most likely do this from now on, but anyone who wants to still go the 'blog' is most welcome. Thank you for the kind comments, by the way Dave.T, yes that is a very good point about whats happening in the UK near & around ATM machines, & you can bet if it's happening there, it will happen else where in the not to distant future. Thanks again, & in the immortal words of the old 'Hill Street Blues' T.V. show. "Be careful out there!"
Jeffrey Obrien

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Re: Weekly Personal & Home Security tips.
8/26/2005 4:05:36 AM
Hello Anthony, thanks for the heads up.yes it wasn't working but I got there anyway.On ATM use it is not the real problem at the Machines it is the idiots that feed these criminals there information in email replies. I have alway's seen amounts of stories of people being milked of money from their accounts.It has happened to me and it was information I provided when in fact a trojan is attached to my legal bank internet activity which then they(criminals)gain access to your account and do internet bank transfers out of and into your bank accounts. Also as dangerous are the criminals inside our very own network.Identity theft is very much a live problem here both online and offline. They even steal all your internet downloading time as well purchase items using your paypal and all money accounts are subject to hacking by way of trojan virus. and we are all to watch and report anything strange of activity and strange things occurring which are normally not there please be careful. I am trying to warn all of you. It is out there(this threat) today,tommorrow and alway's.Security conscious is a better internet enviroment. Have a safe day anthony and everyone regards Jeffrey OBrien
Re: Weekly Personal & Home Security tips.
8/26/2005 12:37:49 PM
Jeffrey. What you say about Internet security is very true, if you have not had an invite to the other forums we do, just click on my home page & then onto my forums or go to the main forums link on your home page & click on the Scam & Frauds section. There you will find all our forums, as well as a large amount of other forums all dealing with every known con, fraud, scam & downright dirty Internet goings on listed. We try to warn all the members of Adlandpro about the most recent 'phishing' mails going around, as well as the nasty virus ridden emails supposed to be from PayPal, EEbay, E-Gold, Yahoo, etc.

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