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Linda Harvey

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Re: What is Success? By Ralph Waldo Emerson
7/28/2008 9:00:05 PM
Success is having accomplished your goal and beginning to set a new one & acting upon it immediately.

Thank you !  It is good to have goals and accomplishments !
Linda Harvey

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Re: What is Success? By Ralph Waldo Emerson
7/31/2008 11:08:45 PM
  If a kiss was a raindrop...
I would send you showers.
If hugs were a second...
I'd send you hours.
If smiles were water...
I'd send you the Sea.
If friendship was a person...
I'd send you me.
Linda Harvey

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Re: What is Success? By Ralph Waldo Emerson
8/6/2008 1:07:31 PM

What step did your dental hygienist forget to mention?

The Bite
They prolly left out the part where you're supposed to turn off the faucet while you're brushing. Doing it saves bucketfuls of water, and it's easier than getting at those hard-to-reach molars.

The Benefits
  • Showing your eco-wisdom (teeth). Turning off your faucet while you brush saves about 2 gallons per brushing session - and the United States is currently experiencing its biggest drought in 500 years.
  • Taking a bite outta your water bill. You'll save a few pennies off your water bill each month.

Personally Speaking
Saving even more water, Jenifer doesn't wet her toothbrush before putting on the 'paste and starts brushing "dry." The rest of us think that's kind of weird.

Wanna Try?
  • We swear it's not that hard: Nudge the handle with your free hand.
Linda Harvey

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Re: What is Success? By Ralph Waldo Emerson
8/6/2008 1:08:00 PM
10,000 gallons: that's the amount of saliva a mouth produces in an average lifetime.
Linda Harvey

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Re: What is Success? By Ralph Waldo Emerson
8/6/2008 1:09:01 PM
If 10,000 Adlandpro members turn off their faucets every day while scrubbing their teeth, in a year we'll save enough H2O to grow wheat for nearly 160,000 loaves of bread.