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Flag of Ana Maria Padurean

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7/16/2008 5:29:10 AM
Hello Everyone and Greetings from ROMANIA :-)
- a land of Fairy tales -

I'm writing this post as since I started this forum 02.28.2006 lots of water have flown down the river :-)
At that time I had about 100 friends and we were learning HTML to make our posts a bit more colorful and good looking ;-) Thanks to Bogdan, today we have much more and better features to make our posts more attractive.

As over 900 of you were not even herein 02.28.2006, let me tell you a few words about ROMANIA - the forum - and invite you to join me on these virtual trips that I'm delighted to put up for you.

ROMANIA is a country blessed with beautiful and very diverse landscapes - from plains to mountains, hills and seasides - lived by warm hearted people. Placed on the cross-roads from North to South and East to West our history is going way back in time. Also our culture is based on very rich traditions and folklores which were base of inspiration for many of our artists: writers, poets, painters, composers, a.s.o.

- in The Danube Delta -

This forum -
ROMANIA - was set up to introduce you some of these along with the many beautiful places, attractions for tourists from all over the world. This is why you may find here various topics; ROMANIA is about every thing life is about. It is about us, ROMANIANS and all our heritage! If you are interested in something specific, than feel free to let me know and I'll work on it with pleasure :-) For a better orientation here is a TABLE OF CONTENT, to save you time to find the topic and thread you are more interested in! There still are lots of un-touched topics and I would be more than happy if you would help me to choose what to be next :-)

These must be enough for a short presentation of the Forum so, I leave you to have a look around ;-)

- Some of our Monasteries -

Thank you for all your support and interest and I wish you a wonderful time in ROMANIA.

With lots of friendship,

PS: Some "old" started threads are not as picturesque as they should; this is why you are invited to come back and visit the newest posts! I'll do my best to ad more and more available pictures and music where is the case :-)

Flag of Myrna Ferguson

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Re: WHY?
7/16/2008 9:42:00 AM
Hello Anamaria,

Your site is beautiful.  I never new much about Romania, it is nice to learn about your country, very interesting.  Thank you for sharing.


Flag of Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: WHY?
7/16/2008 9:57:44 AM
Hello Myrna :-)

I'm so honored to see you taking some of your valuable time and visiting ROMANIA :-) I know how busy you are with your POTW Award and the many friends visiting you and having a wonderful party :-)

More of my friends told me the same thing before, and this is why I started all these. It was interrupted for a while as me being much away from Adland.

Wish you a wonderful week in the limelight and a warm


With friendship,
Flag of Nathan Services Inc

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Re: WHY?
7/16/2008 12:42:48 PM
Hello Again Ana, I remember when you started your forum on Romania and back then it was beautiful the way you described even without the lovely pictures and html you use today. I can honestly say I am just as impressed now with your descrptions of Romania as I was then, you should also be part of one these internet travel discount ventures that sells accomadations to your country. It would be also beautiful to see pictures of husband and children as well in your depictions of Romania. I say so because we from far away here in America can only become more intrigued with your descriptions. But also to see a Romanian family would only make us all see even more how beautiful it is there. One day I do hope that I could be grace with the opportunity to visit your country.
Flag of Bj Burgess

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Re: WHY?
7/16/2008 1:10:45 PM

Hello Anamaria

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful country with us.  I really don't know much about your country, but from the photos and your descriptions, it sounds wonderful.  A place I'd really love to visit one day

you did a very nice job displaying and representing your country...




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