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Re: Do not go where the path may lead ...
10/28/2005 11:18:04 AM
Hi! Bogdan and everybody, Agree! and that is more-or less, how i go through my life,try not to do what everybody is doing, or rent-out everybodys recomendation movie, same with books, can you believe that I still did not read"DaVinciCode"...have it at home, paperback-in English(!)brought from Poland. It was kind funny situation when my daughter saw it in book store, and expressed great surprise, because of paperback cover. Clerk at the store wanted to know what happened that this young lady was so very moved. He tought that is a book itself. All that was in Poland about five months ago. kathy, my daughter bought the book and read it in four days.She missed reading stuff in English language, also TV was a big complain there.Perhaps English language does not exist around when you visit country like Poland. kathy started to use stored for years in her mind Polish words and she spoke everybodys surprise, including myself.I guess, I already told that story in some other forum, see, how is now with me...I do not remember what I would be doing, till I do it again, comes back to me,deja'vu,some kind. Have great sunny day! Ania

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