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Nick Sym

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Re: Please Help Fight America's Oil Crisis...
7/10/2008 11:51:37 AM
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James Wright

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Re: Please Help Fight America's Oil Crisis...
7/10/2008 11:51:49 AM

Hi Carla, thanks for sharing the link. I sure would hate to see everyone going back to the horse and buggy days. I'm seeing more people using horses lately, including local sheriffs departments. I'm even seeing more police officers using bicycles.

Linda Harvey

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Re: Please Help Fight America's Oil Crisis...
7/10/2008 11:52:34 AM
Awesome and informative !  The domino effect of the high prices of gas is becoming
devastating for many with job loss of airline personel, truck drivers, companies going under.   People can not afford the cost of living effects across the board ...

I think the airlines should find companies willing to give free samples of toothpaste, mouthwash, shampoo, personal needs things for people getting off, so they don't carry it with them.   Many motels supply also .....  

And I did not think about the effect of traveling light or lighter.   Although when visiting family, like my mother,  I always plan on borrowing shampoo, hair spray etc or buynig while there if visiting for more than a day or two.  Or traveling with group, just carry one set of things for everyone to share....

The younger  crowd are buying scooters, small motorcycles.  Cars are too expensive and the gas.
Geketa Holman

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Re: Please Help Fight America's Oil Crisis...
7/10/2008 11:56:01 AM
 Hi James,

The best way to get congresses attention is to light up their phone lines.. if enough people call their offices and make statements about an issue they will set up and take notice.. and it don't hurt to kindly remind them we are the ones that put them in office.. also check your PM messages here at Adland I sent you something that might be of interest to
We have to let our  voices be heard!!!



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
James Wright

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Re: Please Help Fight America's Oil Crisis...
7/10/2008 11:56:15 AM

Hi Nick, you've got the picture...furthermore, Bush does not really want to do anything about it, cause he's making money along with all the other politicians who are in on this speculation going on, and that's not only in America, it's in many other places in the world too.


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