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Re: A Poet's Portal.....Come see who :-)
2/1/2009 8:06:51 AM
Hello Pauline!  8)

This is the first I've seen this and I was very moved by it.

Beautiful memories you have of your Nana.  ;-)

It reminds me of what I've got with my Grandson Ulises. The other day I was getting ready for work when he asked me to play with him and I told him I couldn't because I had to get ready for work. He told me, "but you have to", and I said, "why do I have to". Well, he said something I'll never forget. He said, "because you're my best friend". I still get teary eye when I think about it. What a blessing grandchildren can be. He was my first and he changed my life. I never imagined that you could love your grand kids the same as your own kids. We refer to each other as Buddy. Buddy this, Buddy that... every time he refers to me he refers to me as his Buddy. Just the other day I found a cute picture frame with the title, 'My Little Buddy'. I couldn't pass it up. It's in my living room now. Oh, and I did stop to play with him even though it almost made me late. lol Love that kid, 'My Buddy'.  :-)

John R. Sanchez
AdlandPro's Goodwill Ambassador

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Re: A Poet's Portal.....Come see who :-)
2/1/2009 9:17:27 AM
Hi John,

So glad you came, I  am sure you make a great grandpa too..Yes grand kids really do something to you huh? cant wait to have mine around me :-) But my son is really planning his family, so I have to wait !

Thats the best policy 'be their buddy'  Im sure the time love n affection you shower on lil Ulises will mould his character, he will grow to be a very secure human being emotionally, and will seldom seek gratification else where cos he knows and feels loved within his home. I know this to be very true with the way I brought up my sons. That wisdom came from the affections I was fortunate to have from my Nana..and then my Dad continued where Nana left I was blessed.

Its a beautiful seed once sown  that continues to bear fruit over and over again in those lives we were fortunate to touch.

Thank you again for being YOU & continue to be the GREATEST BUDDY  TO ULISES!

Much luv n blessings always


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Re: A Poet's Portal.....Come see who :-)
2/7/2009 3:51:30 PM

Dear Pauline,   Beautiful story; the best ones are often bittersweet it seems, but leave us with some lesson of virtue.  It's as if our human eyes have limited ability; that they can only see well what's right in front of them, unlike Nana who was able to see from a distant perspective and feel it too.  We live for today often and "if" we knew about all our tomorrows, we might live differently.

God gave me a word once that remains an eternal was related to the pain I felt for years (at times) figuring I would see the day when my Dear Phil (hubby) would go on before me, since he's 19 years older.  He's been through 2 heart attacks and after recovering from these, a miraculous healing a year ago that's part of a wild story, and so he's Ok today, but maybe that depression I've always had played a part in my intense sadness; I used to cry and cry just thinking about that day coming. 

Anyway, God gave me this word....during this visitation when he was miraculously healed...actually Phil "heard" these words during this time after "he" asked God how long he would be with me...."You will be with her forever in spirit."

Take it for what you will; for me it to this day leaves me with a greeater peace and comfort; I feel a knowing that he won't leave me until a time when God's knows it's right, if he does leave me first, because Phil also "heard"  I mean "heard"...the first time he asked God this question that..."You will be with her as long as she needs you."

I felt these words come to me in the way you feel God's own words come to you, with that certain "quickening," and so I tell you all incase a time comes that you need them!   By these words I have a "knowing" that all things are in God's hand, when we let them be there or put our life in his hand, so that it is true that He will not put the absolutely unbearable on us, but "if" we do face some very hard, painful places in life, we can know that indeed God is with us and has given us what we need to......walk on.

You are a beautfiul heart Pauline as are so many others here also.  Yes indeed, when my Phil had these 2 heart attacks, Oh boy...the thoughts that flooded me!  Yes indeed, we are inspired to give and do and say what we will to those we Love while we still have the time.  

But when time is up here, we have a Hope!  I am one who does not believe our loved ones in God are all that far from us; but it seems even though they are gone from here, you can "still" feel them as if they still are.  And I believe they still are.

                                             Love,  Long Winded Preachergirl! 

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Re: A Poet's Portal.....Come see who :-)
2/28/2009 10:30:25 AM
Hi Pauline,

Thank you for let me know about this forum.

What a wonderful story. It touched me very much and I have to say that I cought myself to sigh deeply. There were no father there to announce me about my loss when I was 7 years old. Both, mom and dad had passed away the same day (because of an accident) and I had to understand it myself due to the sad faces of relatives. Yes, we have to live each moment with our beloved ones, we never know when we will be separated for ever.



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Re: A Poet's Portal.....Come see who :-)
3/14/2009 12:17:53 PM
Dearest Kim & Dimi,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us here. Sorry it took me so long to get here, really very sorry :-(


Its amazing how much you have to share, I am blessed everytime you write something, Inspiring !!! Thank you :-)


Sorry about your parents my friend, life sometimes throws us many a challenge, and when we look back we wonder how on earth did we over come that !! But by the Grace of God we do... :-)

Hugs n blessings for a lovely weekend


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