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Re: Are you an eavesdropper..?
7/12/2008 9:29:55 PM

Hi John,

I'll take that as a Compliment, however, if you talk to any of my ex-wives, they will tell you that I've REALLY BEEN AROUND over the years.

Peter, if it has to do with electronics or gadgets in general, I'm a real Gadget-Geek.  Back when I was a lot younger and a lot fitter, I used to do a little free-lance work with a good Friend who is a Bail Bondsman.  He hooked me up with my first jammer, however it was a Dinosaur compared the newer models like the one I have now.  Fits right in my Coat Pocket.  Imagine sitting down with a Client at a nice restaurant, for a nice meal which could set you back a couple of Hundred, and you can't score any points because every few minutes his Cell Phone rings.  You see where I'm coming from.  A matter of Survival.

What it really comes down to is manners and common decency.  Unfortunately, most people are not taught these any more.  I carry my Cell Phone wherever I go, however, it also can be set to Vibrate.  If I am in a restaurant and my phone vibrates, I make a note of the number.  Since I also have one bad habit remaining, namely that I enjoy a really Good Cigar occasionally, and I'm not crude enough to dream of lighting up in a restaurant, even if they allow it, which most don't any longer, my problem with calls is easily solved.  I simply excuse myself after the meal, step outside to the "Smoking Section", enjoy my Good Cigar, and return my calls.  As I said, basic Manners.

Thanks to you both for such an interesting discussion.  Now this is how forums should be, entertaining, enjoyable, and even sometimes, educational.

Enjoy A Beautiful Weekend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of John Leal

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Re: Are you an eavesdropper..?
7/12/2008 11:40:49 PM

Hi Peter

When you had your restaurants I'm sure you were more civil than Gordon Ramsay. Have you heard of him, he has a TV show where he visits other restaurants and tells them where they're going wrong. It's "f" this and "f" that all through the show.

A mate of mine got caught in a pub by his wife when he answered his phone just after they came on the market. He also wanted to know how she knew he was in that particular pub. Blame the drink. 

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Re: Are you an eavesdropper..?
7/12/2008 11:44:26 PM

Hi Jim

Yes mate, and once you send a text you can't retrieve it, same as an email. I believe you can now use them on a 'plane during the flight?

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Re: Are you an eavesdropper..?
7/12/2008 11:47:36 PM
love your perception John. Your right, and yes people do not realise the risk they could be putting themselves into.And how many of us want to hear it anyway. I must be old fashion. all the best MiKe Smith New Zealand
M C Smith
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Re: Are you an eavesdropper..?
7/12/2008 11:52:24 PM

Hi Mike

Good to see you here, thanks for your input. No, you're not old fashioned, just normal. Please call back again anytime for a yarn or a laugh.



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