Hi Marisol Thank you for again visiting my forum and thank you for those lines. Yes I know that Jesus sets us free. But He has more to say in this Day of God. I have taken part of His new Revelation, called Light. In the original language Baha. Tell me, Marisol,(or anybody) who are a believer in and knower of Christs redeeming power, why are not Christians welcoming Him in His new attire? Why are they not eager to receive His News from heaven?, Do you think we humans do not need His coming back, His Holy Return? Tell me, what hinders a Christian to gladly examine the Scriptures which are revealed by One Whose whole sacrificial life was designed to uplift mankind from the sleep of negligence of its Creator. Let us discuss this, that I may be informed. Correct me if I am wrong in my guessings why they do not eagerly examine this Revelation? My guessings are:
1.They are afraid of the devil.They are so afraid that the devil will deceive them, clad in sheeps wool?Therefore they do not examine any kind of teachings given in this age.
2.They are suspicious because He is to have a new name?(This is mentioned in Rev.3:12)and therefore avoid all names except Jesus Christ, forgetting that Jesus Himself warns us to not turn to pretenders who call themselves by His old name.
3.They still expect that Jesus will return coming in the clouds of this material sky?Just " for all to see", probably with many sololandings, holding that God may make miracles? Forgetting that Jesus did not want His followers to whisper about His own miracles.
4.They want to see how a resurrected mankind literally is lifted up into the sky to meet the Lord in the air?
5.They have "forgotten" that He will perhaps come "as a thief in the Night?"
6.They expect that He will not give new teachings for a new age, but will simply reinforce what He once taught long time ago? Nothing is going to change. (Just like the pharisees two thousand years ago expected Messias to do). My question is therefore, why should He have to come at all then, if this is the attitude?
7.In order not to be examined themselves they postpone the Resurrection with a thousand year, year after year.
8.They simply hold on to what the theologists preach,simply learning by heart the dogmas, forgetting that spiritual matters only is a matter between your heart and God, also forgetting that it is the divine love that matters, not learning by heart ageold sayings, decided upon at church councils... 9. They say that Jesus is the way, the
truth and the life, forgetting that he says:. "I will be with you all
days until the end of time".That is only a period of time.Then he will
return bringing"the whole truth" to mankind.
The above mentioned attitudes is just like the attitude of for exemple the Muslim theologists and there adherents. Did you know that the Muslims have expected the Return of Christ and the Doomsday?.
10. THEY BELIEVE THEY WILL LOSE THEIR FAITH IN JESUS IF THEY TURN TO ANOTHER RELIGION. I SAY:THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN. BECAUSE THE FOUNDER OF THE FORMER HAS PREDICTED THE COMING OF LATTER MESSENGER OF GOD. THEY ARE IN AGREEMENT. Jesus said to the pharisees, "if you had believed in Moses you would have believed in me". These Founders are thus both gifted with the same Holy Spirit.
EVEN OTHER RELIGIONS HAVE PREDICTED THE RETURN OF A WORLD REDEEMER, "ONE WHO IS MOST ENLIGHTED"(BUDDHA) This means that the holy return is something much greater than the Christians AND ALL MANKIND ever have been able to imagine. When returned He has to satisfy the adherents of all the worlds religions according to the escatological teachings and prophesies in their religious books respectively. So I'd say: IT IS NOT A MATTER WHAT RELIGION ONE IS ADHERING TO, WHAT MATTERS IS IF YOU ARE READY TO RECEIVE GODS HOLY SPIRIT FOR THE AGE YOU ARE LIVING IN.
Many kind regards from Laila