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Jo Matthias

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Re: Welcome to my new Forum
7/6/2008 4:39:14 PM

Hello Nick G,

Wonderful forum, I loved the 'grandmother' story.  This is a great way to say 'Thank you' and to "Give back"...............

VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
Nick Grimshawe

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Re: Welcome to my new Forum
7/6/2008 10:06:37 PM
Hi Jo,

Thanks for stopping by.

The spirit of giving is in all of us.

Just yesterday, I was standing in the line up at Starbucks to order my coffee. I handed across my money and the Cashier asked if I had a penny. I started to dig in my pocket, when the guy next in line said, "I've got it." and produce the cent for me. I didn't know him at all. I thanked him and told him he was getting a gold star for that.  "Well I guess that will be my lucky penny for the day. " I agreed and we all laughed.

I was quite touched by the incident even though we are talking  a penny.


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Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Welcome to my new Forum
7/7/2008 1:12:26 PM
Hi Nick,

I too love THE SPIRIT OF GIVING..  I joined in the chaplain program at a local hospital.  It taks about 7 months to get to being commissioned.  Well I am now a commissioned LayPastoral Care Giver. ( With that handle, you have to be in the spIrit of giving. lol) All kidding aside, this has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I thought I was giving to them, but I have received back 10 times what I give. 

After I prayed for one man, when I looked at him he had tears in his eyes, and hISface was aglow.  The other week a man told me I was in the right business.  Another, a lady on her death bed, could not speak but her co-workers were there to explain to me her problems.  The love they had was so awesome, it will stay with me forever.  Wow, THE SPIRIT OF GIVING, WHAT IT DOES FOR THE SOUL.

Bless you Nick for this forum.


G. Lee Meyer

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Re: Welcome to my new Forum
7/7/2008 4:59:41 PM

Beautiful story Nick,

I believe the ability to give is one of the greatest gifts God has given us. We all have something we can give. It could be a smile, a hug,  sharing a bit of wisdom or knowledge or just caring. The rewards are unlimited.

Thanks for giving us this great forum!


G. Lee

PS. Here's a site where you can feed the poor and contribute to children's health and welfare for free with just a single click.



G. Lee Meyer
Nick Grimshawe

792 Posts
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Re: Welcome to my new Forum
7/8/2008 12:10:16 AM
Hi Myrna,

Thanks for sharing your wonderful story. Obviously you are really enjoying your new vocation as LayPastoral Care Giver. Your stories are touching but are an example of the True Spirit of Giving as layed out in Treasures .

Thank you for sharing your story here.

Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at

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