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Re: Diamond Elite Officially Launched TODAY! Now The FUN Begins!
7/5/2008 7:29:41 PM


How do I get in touch with Suzanne


Thank You



Re: Diamond Elite Officially Launched TODAY! Now The FUN Begins!
7/5/2008 7:34:26 PM


Tkank you for your reply. I will just be patient.

Steven Outain 

Re: Diamond Elite Officially Launched TODAY! Now The FUN Begins!
7/6/2008 4:15:57 AM

Thanks Carl for all your prompt support.

As my contribution to Teamwork and Success of BBS Global Diamond Elite, I have started the "FREEDOM - Teambuild". You all are welcome to join !

Visit us for all the details. This is Fun and Motivating. Hope all have visited the Weekly Conferences offered. Carl it is really very motivating to hear you.


Best regards
Ashok B.
Freedom Teambuild

Re: Diamond Elite Officially Launched TODAY! Now The FUN Begins!
7/6/2008 2:39:07 PM
I think it's great that we have multiple teams springing up within ours.  That will give us the extra reinforcement to ensure long-term success for everyone involved. 

So welcome to Mr. Ashok! Are you directly downline to someone in Carl's group or Marilyn's?
Re: Diamond Elite Officially Launched TODAY! Now The FUN Begins!
7/6/2008 3:09:50 PM

Hi, I am in Marilyn´s Team Build and its real fun building this "Freedom Team Build " - yes I am sure this will help the growth and reinforcement of BBS Global-DE.
I am really committed to our Team Build and hope to get a lot of them started on their way to more financial security in life.
Nice to be here.

Ashok Banerjee
Freedom Team Build
