I heard today that California just put a new law into force whereby no driver can use a hand held phone while driving. Now that one is a common sense issue but those addicted to phone use will struggle with this.
The statistic given on NPR radio is that one is 4 times more likely to have an accident if involved in a phone conversation while driving. Just driving in the drivers capitol of the world, long commutes, and rode rage is enough to make me one of the "4 times more likely" statistic.
So what about passengers engaged in conversation. The report said that they are helpful as they too are watching the road and know when to stop distracting the driver.
This is an example of legislating common sense. We can't trust just educating people so get rid of that travel mug and fast food sandwich....that could be next. No holding hands in the car now....get hands on that wheel.
As California legislates this issue it will soon be picked up by other states.