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Nick Sym

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Re: Bee Sting
7/1/2008 1:54:31 AM
 Hello Dear Heidi !

My Father used to say if it don't kill ya, then you leaned a lesson. As humans we have been on this planet for many thousands of years and we still have not learned anything now Mother Nature is giving us a lesson in humility !

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Nick Sym

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Re: Bee Sting
7/1/2008 2:15:31 AM
Hello Kannan

Thank you for your post and hope there was something you could use. I am usually posting humor but sometimes there is something of interest that might help someone.

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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Bee Sting
7/1/2008 2:25:49 PM

Hi Nick,  Wow that must explain the  prdedicted disappearnce of the penny.  Bet Doctors are hording them.  Tee-hee.

Any thoughts as to whether Canadian or American penny would work best.  You know coins of the future are putting in less valuable metals.

By the way, my mother had a quicker cure.  Spit and mud, immediately applied and do remove the stinger.  Not so severe a sting reaction and we acted with a little more culture.....soda and water (not spit).

Thanks for upgrading to at least a penny's worth of advice.

Phillip Black

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Re: Bee Sting
7/1/2008 3:50:58 PM

"Nature does nothing uselessly." - 


Hi Nick,

You're so right my Friend.  All of God's Creatures and Creations serve a purpose.  God does not make mistakes.  Unfortunately, Man does.  God has provided us with all that we need to take care of ourselves and those whom we love.  It's up to us to use these Gifts properly.  Otherwise, "Mother Nature" will become a cruel Taskmistress and I don't believe we'll like the consequences.

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Treat the Treasures of the Earth with respect, and all will be well with you.

Have A Happy Holiday My Friend,


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“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Jo Matthias

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Re: Bee Sting
7/1/2008 4:16:37 PM

Hello Nick,

Thank you for all the info on tick bites....I truly learned something from your post.   I have never had tick bites that were as bad this year.  I've gotten bit tons of times, from a very young age.  We just always just grasped them near their heads and pulled them off and checked to make sure the head was still attached to the tick.  Thanks again!

Have a wonderful day!!!

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