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Nick Sym

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Bee Sting
6/30/2008 4:42:23 AM


Subject: Bee Sting Info



It might be wise to carry a penny in your pocket while working in the yard in case of a BEE STING!!



A couple of weeks ago, I was stung by both a bee and hornet while working in the garden.



My arm swelled up, so I went to the doctor. The clinic gave me cream

and an antihistamine. The next day the swelling was getting progressively worse, so I went to my regular doctor. The arm was Infected and needed an antibiotic. The doctor told me - ' The next time you get stung, put a penny on the bite for 15 minutes'.



That night, my niece was stung by two bees. I looked at the bite and it had already started to swell.  So, I taped a penny to her arm for 15 minutes. The next morning, there was no sign of a bite. We decided that she just wasn't allergic to the sting.


Soon, I was gardening outside. I got stung again, twice by a hornet on my left hand. I thought, here I go again to the doctor for another antibiotic. I promptly got my money out and taped two pennies to my bites, then sat and sulked for 15 minutes. The penny took the string out of the bite immediately. In the meantime the hornets were attacking, and my friend was stung on the thumb. Again the penny. The next morning I could only see the spot where the hornet had stung me. No redness, no swelling. My friend's sting was the same; couldn't even tell where she had been stung.


She got stung again a few days later upon her back---cutting the grass! And the penny worked once again.


Wanted to share this marvelous information in case you experience the same problem. We need to keep a stock of pennies on hand .


The doctor said that the copper in the penny counteracts the bite. It definitely works!


Please remember and pass this information on to your friends, children, grandchildren, etc.



( If the chance of getting stung in his yard was that high, I would try that other bit about putting a dryer sheet in your belt or hang one from your pocket.  It is supposed to keep the wasps and hornets clear)

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Re: Bee Sting
6/30/2008 9:06:07 AM

Thanks for the info on bee stings, Nick.  Should come in handy for all us gardeners.  Love your presentation with all the graphics.

Have a great week!


Re: Bee Sting
6/30/2008 9:38:25 AM

Dear Nick,

I just gone throug your message & beautiful pictures, it sounds good.

Have anice day.

With Regards,


Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Bee Sting
6/30/2008 11:10:00 AM
Hi Nick,

What wonderful information and it is so simple.  Knowledge of how to, is the key.  We need more info like this.  What a neat post.  Thank you.


Phillip Black

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Re: Bee Sting
6/30/2008 11:41:57 AM

Hi Nick,

Thanks for bringing us this very useful information.  Especially during this Season when one of God's most industrious little Creatures is so active.

Unfortunately, these marvelous little creatures are now disappearing and no one seems to know why.  Suggestions include genetically modified crops, pesticides, or even that our cell phones are interfering with their ability to navigate.  Whatever the cause, the fact is that all around the world Honeybees are disappearing in a crisis called Colony Collapse Disorder.

"So what?", you might ask.  Bees pollinate our plants, and everywhere on the planet, Bees are hard at work, making it possible for you and I to live and enjoy life.  No more Bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, and eventually, no more man.  Albert Einstein once wrote...

 "If the Bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, man would have only about four years of life left." 

Forget global warming folks. The disappearance of the Honeybee could end our existence as human beings on this planet far sooner than we think.  Just a little something else to ponder. 

Isn't it Wonderful that as Believers, we know that should this happen, our Creator already has a place prepared for us where we can live with Him for Eternity?

Have A Blessed & Beautiful Day,




“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10