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Re: Poet's Portal..featuring Maya Angelou
6/24/2008 1:54:01 AM
Dear Phil,

Thank you for your thoughts on Maya Angelou, one amazing lady is she!

The poem you mentioned 'On the pulse of morning'  when I read it I tend to draw a Biblical significance from it...and there is so much hard truth to it...such depth and meaning. Simply one of her greatest works.

I hope to get hold of a biography and do some reading up..and uptill now its always been her poetry that I read.

Bless you Phil for being part of this  special time with us.

Have a great week

Pauline R
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Re: Poet's Portal..featuring Maya Angelou
6/24/2008 2:00:22 AM
Hi Geketa,

nice to see you here, and thanks for the kind words too !

hmmmm 'drawl in spirit' you say, well I guess she was trying to make a point with that too...making sure we get the point.  But RISE she did didnt ever slow the times were in the day she wrote that..that too didnt stop her from giving up and she soared like an that spirit I see in her every work. Awesome...!!!!

Have fun & stay blessed


Pauline R
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Re: Poet's Portal..featuring Maya Angelou
6/24/2008 3:22:21 AM

Hi Pauline,

Great author, poetess, fighter for civil rights and so much more and worthy to be featured here.

Her poem is a lesson in determination, not giving up and optimism. I enjoyed reading it very much.

Maya Angelou is to be respected and admired for her courage and outspokenness.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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Re: Poet's Portal..featuring Maya Angelou
6/24/2008 10:52:51 AM
Hi Peter,

Thankyou for taking the time to stop by.

Couldn't agree with you more here....

Her poem is a lesson in determination, not giving up and optimism.

God bless you my friend

Pauline R

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Re: Poet's Portal..featuring Maya Angelou
6/24/2008 11:39:29 AM

Hi Pauline!!!

What a beautiful poem and what a wonderful lady Maya Angeloe was!!!

You have done a wonderful tribute to her here. 

And, Ana - I saw the optimism too!!

Blessings and hugs!!




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