It's tough enough for men to read into what a woman is thinking, let alone predict their next move. So is 'body language' our only access into the deep and dark corners of a woman's mind? And, if so, can we then decipher the sometimes complex and conflicting signals they give out?
After 34 years of penal servitude marriage, I can now predict my wife's reaction to a particular issue or event by the look on her face, no dialogue need be entered into. A short time ago I mentioned that we needed to upgrade the computer, as they now came pre-loaded with Windows Vista, whereas ours was XP driven. She looked at me as though I'd suggested she have her ovaries removed.
But body language is another kettle of fish entirely. The other afternoon I cunningly suggested that my wife would thoroughly enjoy a full body massage after her shower. I said I'd make her feel that good, I'd wish I was her. While listening to my brilliant suggestion, she began twirling her hair, a sure sign, say body language experts, that she was very interested in what I was saying. How wrong was I? Her retort was, "God, my hair needs washing."
So what are your experiences with women and body language?
And ladies, like to stick it back up the males for being so dumb?