
I just sponsored 228 reps in 7 days! This is HOT!!!
6/20/2008 1:33:56 PM

I just sponsored 228 reps in 7 days
using my confidential Ad Sources.

You can use my Ad Sources to promote anything
you want after I reveal them to you in your
confirmation email.

But I only kept 4 of those reps as my personal referrals!

I gave the other 224 away to everyone in my downline
who didn't have their own 4 personal referrals yet.

This is Hot because It's the Best Team Building
System I've Ever Seen.

We Sacrifice and Give for the good of our team.

For example when I joined this Team Building System
through my friend Tim McGaffin, I was then given to
someone named Joel Hill as one of his 4 personal
referrals within Tim's matrix.

I have no idea who Joel Hill is, but I was given
to him as one of his 4 personal referrals.

Watch the videos on the first page and in your
back office for all the details.

Best regards,
Mike Heid
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