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Michael Derowin

770 Posts
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Memories of the Past
6/18/2008 11:39:48 PM

Memories of the Past


Sitting in the forest with nothing

else around your fire,

Thinking of all thru your life which

you should really admire.


All the happiness which you have

had during all of your years,

Never having to think of all of the

negative with the tears,


Not having the doubts which everyone

had really begun to think,

Your friends knew the truth of what

had gone on to make you shrink..


Your Heart had shrunk emotionally all

because of one turn in your life,

It all started when you had lost your

love by losing your wife.


The happiness began when you finally

stepped into the present again,

This showed everyone around you had

gotten past the ever lasting pain.



So now you are in the open where you

can not help but to be seen,

No one who did not know you would

ever really know what had been.


You can finally come out from inside

of your home and comfort shell,

Drop a coin into the water in front known

to everyone as the wishing well.


Throw all your doubts and pain out

with all of the rest of the trash,

There is no way in hell that your life

once again will fall and crash.


Written by,

Michael Derowin


Nick Sym

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Re: Memories of the Past
6/19/2008 2:01:09 AM
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Jen Maxwell

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Re: Memories of the Past
6/19/2008 7:11:28 AM

Hi Michael,

How beautiful that you shared this poem with us.  It seems to
be very personal and carries a  message of hope.

Your friend,


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Re: Memories of the Past
6/19/2008 5:54:31 PM
Nice one Michael looking forward to the next :-)
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Jim Allen

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Re: Memories of the Past
6/19/2008 6:18:09 PM
Hello Michael,

Very nicely done.  Shows a inner soul we all have but usually suppress.  Sometimes solitude and reflection is the best medicine.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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