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Kathy Hamilton

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Have you gotten your Gota chat box free yet?
6/18/2008 8:02:31 PM

Instructions for Gotachat


     You can put Gotachat on most social sites and web pages where you can put on html code or a flash embed widget. To find the code you need to look at the top tabs on Gotachat. The top left tab says ”Want Gotachat?”  Click on this tab and the window will appear with the code in it. There are two codes, one for flash embed function and the other for place where you put on html. The program will appear on your page.


    You can sign up by clicking the members tab, and then click on the sign up tab. You then can choose a special member name and password. This will allow you more options with the program. You can invite your friends and get them into your group. This will allow you to have private chat with your friends.


     and get them into your group. This will allow you to have private chat with your friends.


    You can click on the buttons on the left for different topics for group discussions on different things. If you have a topic that you feel will be of importance to many people in the world let us know and we will consider add this to the list. At the top of the chat box  there will be a number of tabs that will appear as you choose different topics. If your friends are chatting in one of these the tab will start to flash.  as you choose different topics. If your friends are chatting in one of these the tab will start to flash. You can click on it or another one to move from one chat box to another. If a friend is chatting then their name will light up.

    To get new friends list click on the members tab. Then click on the add a friend tab. You will then be asked for a email or chat name. If you know the chat name enter it and an email will be sent to them for friends request. If you just have email address then enter them into the box and they will get an email for the request.

    If you let your friends know about this program then they can put this on their site so you will have more people chatting. If you have any questions on how this works email us at



Number 2


How can you use gotachat for your business.


If you have a website for your business then when people come to the site they can leave messages for you or talk to techs on how to resolve issues or get questions answered.


You will not even have to be on your site to be able to respond to them. You can be on a different site or social site and still get the messages. A new feature coming soon to  get these on your cell phone.


If you have a business on a certain topic like work, job hunting or others. Then when people with this interest go to that discussion you can reach new people who are looking for more information on what you have. You can then direct them to your web page for more of this information.


If you want to communicate with people in you company then you can have a private channel and talk to each other without others interfering. And still get a notice from others friends when they have a question or comment.


And all of this can be done no matter what social site you are on. You don’t have to be on your business site.


This is a whole new way to communicate across the web. Not web 2.0 but more like web 4.0. This is sometimes hard to understand as no other chat program has the same features as gotachat.


They will also have music you can listen to while your chatting and many other features coming soon. The flexibility and universality of the chat program will meet all of your needs to communicate  with the world


Number 3


Why gotachat is different.


    Most chat programs on the internet will allow you to chat with other people on a certain web site. These chat programs either have a friends list of qualified people that you can connect to on that site. If your friends are on a different site or you have different preferences for a special site that is different from your friends the you need to use a chat program like aol, windows messenger, that is based on your desktop.


What you end up with then is 2 to 4 windows open on your screen and talking to several friends at once who again like a special chat program. Now you have a hard time even being able to see your web page. Very confusing and awkward.


Now what is different about gotachat is that you can put this program on each website or social that you have. All of your friends can do the same. Even on a website that is their own and not part of a social site.


You can then chat with each of your friends in one window. They can be on their own site and you can be on yours. Even if you are looking at their web page and it has the chat program on it, then you can log in and still chat with everybody even if you are not on your own page.


This is browser based. You can have general chat with everybody, make new friends. Enter special rooms to talk about jobs, money, dating, healthcare and others…….

If you are chatting with one friend and another one comes online and sends you a message then their name will light up and you can talk to them. Toggle back and forth from one friend to another easily.


If you have a special interest of friends on one subject the you can have a special room for all of these friends to come to and chat. All of these friends can also be talking to others at the same time. They each can be on different social sites or websites and still be connected to each other.


Now for those who have a preference for a desk top version we have this also. It connects to all the other sites also.

add me as friend-simikathy

Kathy Hamilton/simikathy

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Jim Allen

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Re: Have you gotten your Gota chat box free yet?
6/18/2008 10:03:24 PM
Hey Kathy,

Have it on my website a ULearn2Earn Channel and my ID is KCENDER

Thanks for the heads up, this has promise in so many ways.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Have you gotten your Gota chat box free yet?
6/18/2008 11:02:04 PM

More gotachat instructions


   This program will connect the whole internet together. You can find people all over the internet form just one site. No need to surf and lose the connection that you are already on.


   In the “Want gotachat”  tab at the top click on this. A box will appear and you can copy and paste the code into any social that allows for html code or widgets or flashembed code. Each site is a little bit different on how they accept the code. If you are familiar with one site it should be easy to find the palace to put this. On Facebook you will need the flash embed widget first. Then paste the code into this. A box will appear that says “click to play” When you click on this the Gotachat will appear.


   It can also be used on any web page that you have admin access to.  Use it to chat with people who come to your site.


     The chat box will appear. Then go to the members box and get a username and password. You can then to  add friends and put email address or usernames of those who are already on gotacht. They will be notified by email of your request. When your friends leave yo a message you will see their name lit up the next time you log in. Even if they are not chatting at the moment they will see your response later when they log in.


   On the left will be a box with different topics. Choose one that you have interest in and start chatting. If you have a business opportunity or web page that you want to direct people to the type this in the box and others will see this and can go to your page.

On there will be a link at the bottom left where you can go to a webpage that deals with all of the topics. You can see all the chat about every subject that has been entered. This will allow you see past chat. As this is new some chat rooms may not have a lot of people there right not. As more and more use this yo can find new friends. You also can limit your chat to a selected friends list and not be bothered by others.


    Get all you friends to use this and you will have the ability to connect without have multiple windows open at the same time. If you further question you can email me at and I will get back to you with the information that you need.

Many new features are coming up that will be of great use and benefit to all. As they are put on you get a notice of what they are and how to use them.   This program is totally new so it may be hard at first to understand all of the great things it will do.

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Re: Have you gotten your Gota chat box free yet?
6/19/2008 3:07:58 PM

Why gotachat is different.


    Most chat programs on the internet will allow you to chat with other people on a certain web site. These chat programs either have a friends list of qualified people that you can connect to on that site. If your friends are on a different site or you have different preferences for a special site that is different from your friends the you need to use a chat program like aol, windows messenger, that is based on your desktop.


What you end up with then is 2 to 4 windows open on your screen and talking to several friends at once who again like a special chat program. Now you have a hard time even being able to see your web page. Very confusing and awkward.


Now what is different about gotachat is that you can put this program on each website or social that you have. All of your friends can do the same. Even on a website that is their own and not part of a social site.


You can then chat with each of your friends in one window. They can be on their own site and you can be on yours. Even if you are looking at their web page and it has the chat program on it, then you can log in and still chat with everybody even if you are not on your own page.


This is browser based. You can have general chat with everybody, make new friends. Enter special rooms to talk about jobs, money, dating, healthcare and others…….

If you are chatting with one friend and another one comes online and sends you a message then their name will light up and you can talk to them. Toggle back and forth from one friend to another easily.


If you have a special interest of friends on one subject the you can have a special room for all of these friends to come to and chat. All of these friends can also be talking to others at the same time. They each can be on different social sites or websites and still be connected to each other.


Now for those who have a preference for a desk top version we have this also. It connects to all the other sites also.

Kathy Hamilton/simikathy

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Steven Suchar

13302 Posts
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Re: Have you gotten your Gota chat box free yet?
6/21/2008 9:16:59 AM
Thank You Kathy  :)

Best graphics for your profile!

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