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Jim Allen

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Is America Ready for Another White Male President?
6/16/2008 3:49:16 PM

Is America Ready for Another White Male President?



Lincoln Mitchell: During the recently completed primary season, roughly 35 million people voted for somebody who was not a white man. Clinton and Obama's overall vote total far exceeded that of all the white men in the race, for both parties, combined. In the Democratic Party, none of the three highly qualified white men, made it as far as Super Tuesday. Even in the early states when the Republican primary was still competitive and Republican voters could choose from a broad range of conservative white men, the majority of voters eschewed the white male options in both parties and voted for either Clinton or Obama. Click here to read more.

Chris Kelly: Prominent Democrats Back McCain

It turns out when Newsmax says "prominent Democrats" they mean one former congressman, three ex-mayors and former Palmyra, Maine Budget Committee Member Herb Bates.

Jared Bernstein: Cutting Through The Fog

The election debate is already off the rails, and misinformation is swirling like balloons at the convention. There's a new and fascinating sleight of hand in the McCain economic plan that's worth some close attention. Also, McCain says he's the big tax cutter and Obama's going to raise your taxes through the roof. That's not just a little bit wrong -- it's a lot wrong. Here are some campaign trail low-lights.

Amb. Marc Ginsberg: Tim Russert: World Class "Mensch"

When we occasionally bumped into each other, Tim always had more than a minute for me. "Tell me, Ambassador, what's new in the world that I need to know?"

Cristina Page: Better Fathers: Courtesy of the Sexual Revolution

Little attention has been paid to the impact that women's liberation has had on men -- Gen X dads spend significantly more time with their children than baby-boomer fathers.

M.S. Bellows, Jr.: McCain's Odd Townhall: Woos Clintonistas By Defending "Rights Of The Unborn"

At a town hall this weekend McCain tried to project a moderate image but wound up doing the opposite, extolling military diplomacy, supporting Bush court appointments, and assailing reproductive and gay rights.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Re: Is America Ready for Another White Male President?
6/16/2008 6:34:58 PM
Hello Jim,

America is in a heap of hurt.  I really don't care what color or sex the President will be, but Obama NO.  He has too many contact with the terrorists.  If he is elected we might as well kiss America goodbye, we'll be wearing turban and worshiping Allah.  I'm afraid that me for one, rather be dead.  The only thing he has going for him is his gift to gab and people are buying his BS. 

God Bless

God Bless Everyone
Jim Allen

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Re: Is America Ready for Another White Male President?
6/16/2008 8:56:14 PM

Hello Gaby,

That is one reason I posted this thread and others.  so folks have some real info, that provides views from both sides of the street.  The traditional media outlets are not Reporting the NEWS, they are driving public opinion campaigns.

Conversations among us at the grassroots levels, is the only way to draw attention to Real Issues.

Just tonight we have heard how the Taliban, have taken over small villages and will soon attempt an attack on a major city in Afghanistan.  The real issue here is and should be recognized is the fact that the Taliban is not Al Quieda.  Therefore this latest uprising IS NOT Our Fight!  This is a Civil Action within Afghanistan and the US Troops should step aside. 

We (Our Administration) has lost sight of the mission and now are heading in the wrong direction. 

Our beef is not with Taliban Chieftains.  Our beef and should have always been with AL Quieda. 

We have been played by Osama Bin Laden and AL Quieda, and drawn into two conflicts we have no business being in, now they are dividing our troop initiatives.

Divide and Conquer is the game and we (Our Administration) Needs to WAKE UP! 

Stop and think before chasing Taliban across the Pakistan border.  They need to realize the difference between civil unrest and Terrorists like Osama Bin Laden and Al Quieda.

Please Note I cannot vote for Obama either.  This guy scares the s**t out of me.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Geketa Holman

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Re: Is America Ready for Another White Male President?
6/16/2008 11:46:47 PM
Hi Jim,

I have been setting here waiting to see why you posted this so I been ponderin much of the day.. LOL yep I am a ponderer!!

I agree with what you have said about  the civil unrest and the real folks we should be fighting in afghanistan, the only problem there is .. how the heck do they even know who is who ?

Obama not only scares the (shot) out of me .. he gives the creeps down so deep in my spirit I almost throw up everytime I see his face.

Have you noticed that the guy cannot ever look at the camera when they inteview him ???

The big issue now is where you gonna place your vote ? You already know where I stand on this .. Alan Keyes might be unheard of, but at least if I vote for him I won't have to hold my nose while I am doing it.

Sad state of affairs we have here brother sad!



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Jim Allen

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Re: Is America Ready for Another White Male President?
6/17/2008 9:50:33 AM
Hello Geketa,

Fact of the matter is Alan Keyes, may well be a great choice for President, but no one has heard from him.  Where has he been?  Didn't see him in 40 some odd debates.  Have only heard of him from you.

The man is too passive to be president.  The squeaky wheel gets the grease and in this case the attention of the public.  Casting a vote for him or any other unknown helps Obama win at this point. ;-)


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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