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Re: The Truth Must Out #2: We Are Against The Holy Conspiracy
6/15/2008 9:57:30 AM

Georgios, thank you for this information and for what you are doing.  I am much concerned about our leaders and what is going on in Europe at the present time.  Our leader being over there.

It would be wonderful to have a unity of people from all nations with some of  your ideas.

Don't have much time right now but wanted you to know that I read your forums but don't always respond. 

God bless,


Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The Truth Must Out #2: We Are Against The Holy Conspiracy
6/15/2008 11:17:27 AM
Hello Sara!

Thank you for the comments and your support. I am preparing the WARNING. After 15 years I found the sourses to do a nice warning-wake up thread. I told you they are ready. Ready to do many things even to evaquate their people up to space. In 1975 I made a special work in astrophysics. Studying the sources I came to an artical on artificial sun artifial life. It was stated there that USA and USSR can together start a project on a huge space ship with an artificail sun. If I remember well they begun a corporation on space 1975 SOJUS-APOLLO. The result was MIR (Peace), but that was what they wanted us to know at that time.
Today they both have much-much better technology.

I will give you a reply with three short quotes. There are great people in USA but who listenes to them.

“Barbarism ends with the beginning of world civilization. To be civilized, according to Cicero, is to reach that state of personal and collective behavior is which men can live together harmoniously and constructively, united for the betterment of all.  By this definition, we have never been civilized. We have existed in a state of cultured savagery.” Manly P. Hall

All of the great leaders of ancient times realized and taught that the establishment of a state of permanent peace among the nations depended upon the release of human ideals, but through properly trained and disciplined minds capable of interpreting these ideals in terms of the common good.”  Manly P. Hall

“When humanity willfully ignores the Universal laws which goven its destiny, Nature has devious ways of pressing home its lessons. Civilization after civilization has been built up by human courage and destroyed by human ignorance. We stand again on the threshold of a great decision. Once more the workings of time have revealed the weaknesses of our social structure. Once more we have come to a day of reckoning....." Manly P. Hall


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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: The Truth Must Out #2: We Are Against The Holy Conspiracy
6/15/2008 12:29:15 PM
Hello Georgios et al,

I too am a Christian, in that I believe in God and that Jesus Christ did start us on a religious path of love, peace and harmony. He, of course, didn't call it Christianity. It later became named that.

I can't however find a denomination that I can actually fit into or that fits me. I am not a Catholic, although when I go to church, it is a Catholic one and, as some of you know, I help to organize different services in the church which include drama and singing as ways of showing and sharing Christ's love, God's love and the angels' love, to whoever will listen to me and my friends. We all have different views on what being a Christian means and different faith, but we all share these evenings and organize these evenings in harmony, despite our different opinions.

If we can do it on that small scale, why can't the "leaders" on Mother Earth do the same thing? One, no two reasons have always been greed and power seeking.

In looking into the history behind our nations and behind religions, I find it sad that nations can't live in harmony with each other. In fact, it is not the people of those nations who can't, it is the "leaders" who manipulate people and incite them to not get on, to not live in love, peace and harmony.

It is now time to speak out and let them know that that isn't what we want, the people of all nations all together on Mother Earth. Mother Earth is bleeding and we need to repair her and bring her and the beings on her, the love that God intended. We are God's servants on Earth to take care of her. Christ showed us that and he gave us an example to live by together, but the leaders have manipulated and distorted. Christianity as it is today, is not how Christ intended it to be.

That is my opinion and I hope to not offend anyone. I have a mission to spread angel cuddles and at no time do the angels want any negativity to be propogated. I have experienced and seen angels. They are beautiful beings and are there to help us.

We just need to ask them to help us to live in love, harmony and peace. Working together, we can do this, dear people on Mother Earth.

Gosh, sorry Georgios! I seem to have written an essay here. I got a bit carried away but I feel very strongly about this and fulfilling my mission.

Angel cuddles,

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Jill Bachman

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Re: The Truth Must Out #2: We Are Against The Holy Conspiracy
6/15/2008 10:13:12 PM

Hi Georgios,

Here is a message from the Ashtar Command that I was looking for yesterday.

This message to humanity will be loud and clear in the coming days, weeks, or even months. 

A Call to the Clergy


We invite all of those who hold positions of leadership in the Christian religions to henceforth, and from this moment on, teach the true teachings of Jesus the Christ.  That which he came to teach was Unity, with Love being the unifying factor.  That which he came to teach was Peace in all circumstances, as opposed to that which is called war and that which you in the clergy have been leaders in defining as "Holy War."  There is no such thing.


We ask you to come together into a recognition of the sacredness of all life upon this planet and we ask that you become leaders and that you provide an example, by your words, by your teachings, by your thoughts and intents, and by your actions.  We ask that you be leaders for those whom you have taken responsibility for leading and that you provide an example, and teachings from yourselves, to all of those whom you are in a position to lead.


And that you in turn invite your congregations to themselves become leaders in this movement,  and it would be most appropriate if you would put in your own words declarations of the primary teachings, the most fundamental teachings of Jesus the Christ.  Examples are:  “Inasmuch as Ye have done it to the least of my Brethren, so also have Ye done it to Me.”  “Love Thy neighbor as Thyself.”  And you can provide more. 


This is the path to Love, this is the path to Unity, this is the path to recognizing the Oneness in all Creation.  This is the path to honoring Creator God and all of his marvelous creations, yourselves included.  This is the time to come Home. This is the time to let the Love speak through your voices, from your pulpits and your other places where people gather to listen to what you have to tell them. 


This is the time for Truth and this is the time for the Love to Light the World, and we are calling upon you to be the leading lights in this movement to Home.  And this Beloveds, is the Second Coming Realized.  Allow the Light of Christ to shine through you, through your words, and through your teachings and your deeds.  And invite all who come to you to do the same, and the world will truly be at Peace, and Love shall be supreme upon the planet, and you shall be the leaders to the Kingdom of Heaven.  And so it is.

Cheers,  Jill
Robert De Merode

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Re: PHILOXENIA: We Are Against The Holy Conspiracy
6/16/2008 10:52:56 AM

Hello Georgios,

That’s a spot of hard talking! A little unfair and maybe a little irrespective for the Pope as well but then, you are not Catholic, so I can understand. To me his thinking is way too liberal for any hope of a better world during his reign. Having said that, I very much agree to your outcry of the present decadence in all fields of life and in every direction but, hope remains. And one such hope has marked the day last week when Ireland refused by referendum the European constitution. Constitution that has as objective to melt away all values that individuals and European nations have and live by. Great vote Fionnuela! You have maybe saved Europe from disappearing into the abyss of Islamic sharia.

European countries may and must live as individualities, helping each other for when as brothers one or other gets into some problem from wherever it comes from within or from without! What presently is happening is simply nothing more than a new Kremlin taking over everything from how much you may earn to what you may think and to how long you may live, as well as to who may live.

You have my kind regards.


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