Hi Geketa,
What a shame that the USA has such a poor slate of candidates this time.
It seems that this is one election where all voters will have to hold their nose when voting. McCain is not going to be a good choice, in my opinion, as he is a wolf in sheep's clothing - a Liberal posing as a Conservative.
However, Obama is worse than that - he is a downright DANGEROUS choice. Many have expressed their varying opinions on the Bush administration's performance, and especially on the perceived over zealousness of Homeland Security.
However, as one who just flew to several cities across the USA and back in safety and comfort, in spite of an Orange Alert, I would rather have these so-called "extreme" measures, rather than the complete LACK of security that Obama seems to support.
As far as Obama's stand on showing his allegiance to the flag and the country he wants to lead, I also am disgusted. It astonishes me that someone could even be legally considered a candidate when he shows NO allegiance for his own country (hmmm... perhaps he does not even consider the USA to be his own country!!)
Grassroots USA can do a tremendous amount to swing this coming election and take the vote away from Obama. If everyone like you, Geketa, and other Americans (and Canadians, too - we are still best friends and family to the USA!!) keep sounding the alarm and sending out these messages, it WILL make a difference.
I must also include this warning: Make sure of your facts before sending or posting and negative information about Obama. Much damage has already been done in his favor by those who have been sending around an email supposedly exposing Obama's "lies." Sadly, the email, itself, is false, and this plays right into Obama's hands.
God bless,