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Michael Derowin

770 Posts
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A Special Friend and Confidant
6/9/2008 1:06:46 AM

A Special Friend and Confidant



I have met with a very special Lady with

whom I may say anything to,

Never being judged for anything it does

not matter what I tend to do.


She is very calming when she talks me thru

any troubles which come around,

This friend rarely ever gets mad at what

happens no matter the sound.


My Confidant I am honored to have

you in my life as a good friend,

Showing me warmth, kindness, and Love

of a true friend right to the end. 


We met on a cold and lonely night when

we both needed someone to talk,

Within this time we spoke of things which

might have made other’s walk.


Neither of us watching the time as it went

by and finally realized it at daylight,

Spending this time alone with no one around

to interfere with our thoughts in the night


Giving us the courage to become very personal

and close as friends can be,

Even tho this is something everyone else can

not really fathom or even see


This tells me that these people have never been

blessed by a friend that is true,

Which makes me sad as we all need this type

of happiness instead of being so blue.


We have been told by others that we make

it seem we love each other,

Yes I agree that we do like very close friends

or even a Sister and Brother.


So let us enjoy the friendship we have let

strongly build together and grow,

Not everyone needs the romantic part now

is the time for this to show.


Written by,

Michael Derowin



Holly Goodyer

171 Posts
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Re: A Special Friend and Confidant
6/9/2008 1:35:17 AM

That is beautiful Michael, if only we were all blessed with such a friend.

You have the ability to see the beauty inside our fellow man, and all your words, I know come from your heart.

Much love my friend.


Nick Sym

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Re: A Special Friend and Confidant
6/9/2008 3:39:12 AM
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Dimitra Bravou

1603 Posts
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Re: A Special Friend and Confidant
6/10/2008 1:33:02 AM
Hi Michael,

Wonderful poem. Thank you for sharing.




Michael Derowin

770 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: A Special Friend and Confidant
6/10/2008 1:36:57 AM

Hello Holly,

Thank-you for your kind words Holly. We all have a Special friend in our lives. The problem Holly is do we all recognize them when they are around. My friend just seemed to appear for me when I needed one the most.

My Poetry always comes from my Heart like every Poet I have met so far in this lifetime.


