There's a new lawyer show on American TV called "Eli Stone"...for anyone who remembers the "Ally McBeal" show of the mid 1990-'s... Eli Stone is just a male version of that, the lead role of the lawyer has just changed genders, and the character has ridiculous hallucinations, but on Ally McBeal, she had a vivid imagatioin, now on Eli Stone, he suposedly has these visions as the result of a brain tumor. I think the TV producers think we're all braindead. I only watch TV to see what the women are wearing. The men all look the same, but some are more funny looking than others.
I heard there was a girl I went to high school with who moved to New York City and became a District Attorney, her name was Janine. She wanted to be called J-9 in school so people would know how to spell her name.