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Jim Allen

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Re: The truth must out #1 TESLA TECHNOLOGIES AND HAARP
6/9/2008 11:31:31 AM

My Good Friend Georgios,

I have read with interest the conclusions and deductions that you have presented here.  The HAARP system is quite interesting and appears to be a most formidable tool.  That can be used for good or evil, whatever the case may be.

However I have questions that do not seem to be answered within these posts thus far.  I have not done the research that you have on the subject and hope you may provide some insight.

Question #1 - If this TESLA - HAARP System is capable of such targeted destruction and the USA is guilty of using it to create the recent earthquakes and tsunamis.  Then why are we losing so many lives and spending $12 million dollar every minute, fighting the War in Iraq?  Shoot we can simply vaporize them.

Question #2 - Why did our President go with hat in hand and ask the Saudis to increase oil production?  Shoot we can simply vaporize them.

Question #3 - Why are we concerned with Iran's nuclear capabilities?  Shoot we can simply vaporize them.

It seems to me that if our government actually had the power of such a system, there would be no need for any loss of life in Iraq.  Request the Saudis to increase their oil output.  Or care what capabilities Iran has. 

As it occurs to me that if this weapon was a true threat as intoned here and our government has already used this power, people would be scared to disagree or not support a position or request from the USA.

It doesn't seem to hold up under scrutiny that if the USA has such a formidable and destructive weapon in its power that folks would dare to tread on our toes so to speak.

Can you enlighten me as to why these other regimes seem not to fear the power and force of the Tesla - HAARP systems?


Jim Allen III

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Myrna Ferguson

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Re: The truth must out #1 TESLA TECHNOLOGIES AND HAARP
6/9/2008 10:41:10 PM
My good friend Georgios,

You just keep coming up with more interesting, informative,information No wonder America is hated over most  of the world.  Haarp is an awful object.  I believe Love can overcome it, because Good is always strongre then evil.   We in America thought we were the good guys. I have always thought we were here to aid the world, but it sure is not that way.  Oh, how we have been deceived.  We are waking up.

Yes, Love is the answer, the only answer.

Jill Bachman

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Re: The truth must out #1 TESLA TECHNOLOGIES AND HAARP
6/10/2008 2:56:25 AM

Hi Georgios,

Here is my present to your forum!  Not a better present do I know....woohoo!


BREAKING!  Kucinich Introduces 35 Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush!

Wake Up America!  What we must do:
Email your Representatives to SUPPORT
Kucinich's Articles of Impeachment

CALL your Representative at 202-224-3121

History is in the making as I type: Rep. Dennis Kucinich has taken to the floor of the House and has begun reading 35 Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush.  Watch C-Span Video Part 1   and  Watch Video Part 2

We can be sure Kucinich will come under furious attack by the White House, the Republican Party, the Corporate Media, and even Bush Democrats. So let's inundate Congress with emails and calls showing our full support for Rep. Kucinich's Articles of Impeachment!


Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The truth must out #1 TESLA TECHNOLOGIES AND HAARP
6/14/2008 9:39:59 AM
Hello Jill!

Thank you for joining The Truth Must Out. I follow your links and red all information. The Canadian Petition should be a example and paradeigm for all countries who lost people in 9/11 to make an investigation. Thousands of people died in few minutes just for a capriccious play up to show that even a super power may be attacked by terrorists and fundamental fanatics.

Everything was set up to impress the world. News are not contolled from one side anymore. There are many people out there tracking special happenings for their purpose and today it is impossible to hide. For or later the truth will out.

Governments are trying now to put a muzzle on human rights. Famous peaceful countries like Sweden is to decid to controll all our private life. There are demonstrations against that right now in Sweden.

Click above for Imagin by John Lennon

Happy Week End

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Re: The truth must out #1 TESLA TECHNOLOGIES AND HAARP
8/27/2008 3:42:35 PM
This was really great information as I am attempting to write a screenplay concerning events surrounding Tesla.  Not sure how much to beleive, but to be sure, there are forces at work much more powerful than ourselves.  I'm glad to have you as my friend!


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