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Scott Reynolds

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Re: Doubts of Oneself
6/15/2008 5:21:57 PM
Thanks Michael,

A lot of people should  relate to that, I hope it helps them.
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Doubts of Oneself
6/15/2008 5:25:38 PM


Thank you again.

Another challenging piece.

Every time I read this I get a different understanding or a new challenge as to what you are meaning or saying.

I love challenging words and this poem fits the bill.

Sometimes the flow of poetry is the joy here it really is the content.


Nick Grimshawe

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Re: Doubts of Oneself
6/15/2008 6:45:45 PM
Hi Michael,

Glad I popped round to your forum.

This poem had a lot to say and absorb but I can understand where the theme orginates, I see it too every day on the faces of people. I love the line:

So turn all of your sour and disgusting
looks that are on your face,
Into a smile of pride...

We need to understand that we are enough as we are. Yes we can achieve greater understanding of "self" as we work toward being more of our true nature.

Thank you for having the courage to share your work.

Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Doubts of Oneself
6/15/2008 7:53:39 PM
Thanks for the invite Mchael,To live in fear is to doubt unless someones attacking you LOL. Thanks for sharing with us your thoughts and words my friend. God_bless you and your family :) Thomas
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John Leal

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Re: Doubts of Oneself
6/15/2008 9:25:33 PM

Hi Michael

Good stuff, mate, keep'em rollin' out!

Small print: Hi Holly!
