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Small and Great National Emblem - Swedish flag
Konungariket SverigeArea, total:
449 964 sq km
Coastline: 3 218 km
Population: 9 083 000
Population/sq km: 20
Stockholm /
786 000
Lowest point: Baltic Sea 0 m
Highest point: Kebnekaise 2 111 m
Largest rivers:
Dalälven, Klarälven-Götaälv
Largest lakes: Vänern, Vättern, Mälaren, Hjälmaren
Natural resources:
Zink, iron ore, lead, copper, silver, timber,
Pop. growth rate: 0.16 %
Infant mortility rate:
(deaths / 1 000 live births)
Life expectancy at birth (years):
Male / Female 78 / 83 | Ethnic groups:
Swedes 83 %, Finns 2, Iranian 0.5 %, Others 14.5 %
Evangelic lutheran 87 %, Others 13 %
Languages: Swedish
Literacy; % of pop. over 15 years:
Male / Female
99.9 / 99.9Independence: June 6, 1523
National holiday:
June 6, Day of Swedish flag
GNP/capita: USD 41 945
Currency: Swedish Krona (SEK)
Mobile telephones: 9 087
Internetusers: 6 981 000
Railways: 11 528 km
Highways: 424 947 km
CIA World Factbook 2008/03
Being a former citizen of Sweden I feel nostalgia to go back. I am proud for having my forums awarded in March and June. March is month of Greece and June is the month of Sweden. I lived in Sweden 1965-1983. I left Sweden to work in Greece making use of my experience in adult and labour education I got from Sweden. I visited Sweden only once after that in 2001.
National Day
of Sweden
June 6th

Swedish flag- Queen Sylvia and King Carl XVI Gustav
National Anthem - Du gamla Du fria
Celebration with the Royal Family
Every year, the King and Queen take part in a ceremony at Skansen, Stockholm’s open-air museum, where the yellow and- blue Swedish flag is run up the mast, and children in traditional peasant costume present the royal couple with bouquets of summer flowers.
Since 1916, June 6 has been celebrated as the Swedish Flag Day, but it was not until 1983 that it officially became the
National Day. For a long time Sweden was probably one of very few countries in the world with no national day. Since 1916, June 6 has been celebrated as the Swedish Flag Day, but it was not until 1983 that it officially became the National Day. Nowadays, the custom of celebrating the national day has grown stronger and today almost every town has its own festivities with speeches, music and distribution of Swedish flags to private persons and associations. The biggest celebration takes place at Skansen, an open-air museum in Stockholm, where some 15000 people gather together with the Royal family.
To be updated - small articles
The Vikings
Gustaf Waasa- Birth of Swedish National State
Sweden – Great Power Period
Sweden – 18th – 20th century
Parliamentary System – Decentralization
School forms
Adult-Labour education
Sweden: The Land of the Midnight Sun
This picture reminds me much of Sweden
In Sweden, many customs are closely associated with the changing seasons
Photo: Anders Johansson/Ölands Turist
Click för a ride over Sweden 20 ninutes.
The Swedish Summer Solstic
Midsommar-,Majstång- och ungmöfester
Midsummer, May Pole and Maiden Party
At Midsummer, Swedes want to be outdoors, regardless of the weather.
Photo: Peter Westrup/Image Bank Sweden
Click above for midsummer traditional Swedish songs and dances
A traditional crayfish party
Due to the risk of over-fishing, restrictions on river crayfishing were introduced back in the early 20th century. The season was limited to a couple of months from August. Crayfish thus became an exclusive and much sought-after delicacy. The crayfish population has also been decimated on a number of occasions by a dreaded parasitic mould.

The crayfish is accompanied by cheese, bread, beer and of course: Schnapps.,br.
Photo: Erika Lidén/Image Bank Sweden
Click above for participate the party
The Swedish Winter Solstic
Sankta Lucia

A nice Swedish Lucia celebration from Tenerife Canary Islands Spain
Click above
Gamla Stan - Old Town

Click to watch a nice parade: Changing of the Swedish Guard filmed in Stockholm Sweden sorry about the jumps in the filming the guard was
getting angry as the crowd was swelling forwards.
The Real Enemies In Hockey
Heja Sverige, friskt humör ...
Det är det som susen gör ...
Finland feels like being World Champion if they win over Sweden
Sweden does of course everything not to lose.

Click Above- Hockey match Sweden-Finland
The giant in Jönköping
(Jätten I Jönköping)

Once upon a time when giants lived and ruled in Sweden, there
was a giant called Vist who lived with his wife on the east side of
Lake Vättern. One day they went to a family gathering on the other
side of the lake. It was a jolly and exhilarating party with a lot
of delicious food. When the giant Vist and his wife finally headed
home Mrs Vist had gained so much weight that she doubted that she
would be able to get across the lake in a single bound. Therefore,
her considerate husband threw a turf of grass out into the lake so
she could make it home without getting wet. And it's still there,
the little flattened turf: Visingsö.
© Anne Lönnqvists
pop stars and fans
At the middle 60-ies there were two big Swedish Bands, HepStars and Tages.
Most of my friends were Tages.

Is so I want to remember them
Click above - CADILAC by HepStars
I came to Sweden August 1965. Soon I was HEPSTARS fan. After listening to CADILAC, this beautyful song, by HepStars, which was great succee. I decided to by my first electric guitar, I pressed my mother very much and she got crazy on me. A Gibson guitar costed a monthly salary at that time, but she baught it to me. There were two things I loved at that time, playing football and play and listen to music. Learn about HepStars (official site)
 click above
| ABBA The ABBA story began in June 1966 when Björn Ulvaeus (born 1945) met Benny
Andersson (born 1946) for the first time. Björn was a member of the Hootenanny
Singers, a very popular folk music group, while Benny played keyboards in
Sweden’s biggest pop group of the 1960s, The Hep Stars. |
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