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Jim Allen

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Unique Delivery System 25% of the population Needs This Product
5/29/2008 11:09:27 PM

The Revelle ELITE PACK

Revelle is an electronic nicotine delivery device that simulates the sensation of smoking without exposing the user to cancer causing agents and other harmful chemicals that are normally associated with traditional tobacco products. 


The simulated smoke produced is actually a vapor that appears, tastes, feels and reacts much like tobacco smoke. When exhaled, the vapor harmlessly evaporates in the surrounding air within seconds.



  • Electronic
  • Simulated Smoke
  • No Tobacco at all!


No tobacco or tobacco products are contained in Revelle. In fact, the nicotine provided is synthetic and derived from natural sources other than tobacco. 

The basic components of Revelle consist of a battery, an atomizer, a safe, flavored cartridge containing nicotine, water and propylene glycol and a computer chip that controls it all. 

Both the atomizer and the cartridge are consumable items. Cartridges are available in varying amounts of nicotine content, high (18 mg.), medium (12 mg.), low (6 mg) and no nicotine. Revelle’s flagship electronic cigarette is called the Elite.

The Revelle ELITE PACK includes the following:

  1. atomizer2– Revelle Elite Cigarette Device
  2. – Two High Nicotine Cartridges
  3. – Two Medium Nicotine Cartridges
  4. – Two Low Nicotine Cartridges
  5. battery&cord– Two Zero Nicotine Cartridges
  6. – One Extra Atomizer
  7. – One Battery Charger

Retail Price: $149.95

Autofill Cartridge Refill Program

    cartridges2Revelle offers our customers the convenience of ordering replacement cartridges with our Auto-fill Cartridge Refill Program. The Auto-fill package consists of the following:

  • Six cartridges
    (each cartridge is equal to
     a pack of cigarettes (approx.)

    Retail Price: $24.95

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Re: Unique Delivery System 25% of the population Needs This Product
3/24/2009 9:21:29 PM

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success
