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Thomas Richmond

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Directed Towards Special Friends (Your Not Alone)
5/29/2008 11:51:38 AM

At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them. But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength …. 2 Timothy 4:16-17 (NIV)

Opposition causes loneliness. When you’re attacked, when you’re ridiculed, when you’re criticized, you feel isolated and lonely.

One minute you’re a hero, the next, you’re the zero! That can be lonely. You might be lonely when you go through a painful experience that no one else seems to understand. Or, you might be lonely when you’re going through grief while every one else seems to be having fun. You might be lonely when you’re misunderstood, or embarrassed, or criticized.

How do you overcome this kind of loneliness?

Paralyzed or Positive?

Loneliness tends to paralyze, so think of a creative way to turn the situation into something positive. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Make the best of a bad situation.

Paul was lonely when he was in prison. He says, “No one came to my support, but everyone deserted me” (2 Timothy 4:16 NIV). Now that’s lonely!

But think about this: Paul was a people person; he probably would’ve preferred traveling the Mediterranean region, preaching Christ and starting churches. But he was stuck in prison and lonely, and as a result, we have many of his letters that now appear in the New Testament. It might be that putting Paul in jail was the only way to get him to sit still long enough to write those New Testament letters.

Resist Resentment

If you get bitter and stew about those who oppose you, you’ll only get lonelier. It builds walls around your life that keep people away from you. And building walls puts you in danger of becoming cynical or resentful, and that often pushes other people away from you.

If you’re lonely right now, what does God have to say to you?

I think God could say, “I understand how you feel!” The Bible says Jesus was tempted just like us, yet he did not sin. Jesus understood every human emotion, and there were times when he was lonely and abandoned. For instance, knowing the next day he’d be crucified, Jesus took three of his best friends – Peter, James, and John – with him to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. He asked them to pray with him, but they fell asleep, and Jesus felt alone.

If you’re lonely right now, then share your loneliness with Jesus. He knows what you’re going through and he understands.  God_bless you . Names are withheld.
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Judy Smith

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Re: Directed Towards Special Friends (Your Not Alone)
5/29/2008 8:44:34 PM

Hi Thomas!

What a love and encouraging post.  We are NEVER alone as long as we have faith that the Lord is always with us!!

Thanks for the encouragement and the uplifting words!



Thomas Richmond

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Re: Directed Towards Special Friends (Your Not Alone)
5/30/2008 12:45:22 AM
God_bless you Judy, Thank you :)
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Nick Sym

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Re: Directed Towards Special Friends (Your Not Alone)
5/30/2008 1:40:21 AM
Hi Brother Thomas!

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Thomas Richmond

15469 Posts
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Re: Directed Towards Special Friends (Your Not Alone)
5/30/2008 12:07:28 PM
Also Believe in me as my Rabbi Jesus had said, no one comes through the Father, only through me he or she does! Thanks Nick Syms for your encouragements through out the days and nights, what a blessing. Keep the Faith, be string at heart and do your best my faithful friend :) God_bless you and your family!!
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