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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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Re: Elections 2008
9/12/2008 1:05:01 PM

When I went to the thread, the picture was there.

Maybe you have to wait a minute for it to download.

Maybe you don't have enough bandwith ... or whatever.

I don't know how to reduce the bandwidth.  I'm
not even sure what bandwith is.  Maybe you can teach
me these things.  I want to be able to embed a photo
or picture into an email.  How do I do that?

I've tried to do it but they never turn out.  Here's how I
do it.  I copy a picture from another email or from a
website and then I paste it into my email but it doesn't
turn out.  Why, oh why?  It's enough to make a grown
woman cry.


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Thomas Richmond

15469 Posts
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Re: Elections 2008
9/12/2008 1:25:15 PM
Chillll out Helen, to many questions not enough time besides the election are coming up sooner than my answers to your questions LOL and dont cry, we have a big enough ocean for the both of us.  I'll Pm your anwsers.
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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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Re: Elections 2008
9/12/2008 1:46:44 PM

I'm in no hurry so take your time.  December will be fine.

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Thomas Richmond

15469 Posts
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Re: Elections 2008
9/12/2008 8:38:38 PM
On September 11th, Governor Sarah Palin gave her first big interview with Charlie Gibson in her home state of Alaska.

So is she ready for the job? "I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink," she said confidently. "You have to be wired in a way of being so committed to...the mission that we're on, reform of this country and victory in the war."

However, there was an awkward moment when Gibson asked her opinion on the Bush Doctrine, the president's strategy devised in September 2002 before the invasion of Iraq. Gibson had to repeat the question, and when Palin appeared to not have a clear idea of what it was, he defined it for her.

She advocated a tough stance on Russia, Pakistan, Iran and terrorists "hellbent on destroying America and our allies."

Gibson asked her about the previous statement she had made in her church of how the war was "a task from God." She claimed to be taking a page from Abraham Lincoln when he said "Let us pray that we are on God's side." However, when asked by Gibson again, she responded, "I don't know if the task is from God, Charlie" and proceeded to profess her pride in her son for going overseas to fight for the United States.

When asked about global warming, Gov. Palin conceded that, "Man's activities certainly can be contributing," despite earlier claims that suggested otherwise. She walked with Gibson along a stretch of the Alaska pipeline, and said that she was for drilling in the protected national wildlife refuge in Alaska. McCain opposes it, but she hopes to bring him around.

Excerpts from the final part of the interview will be shown Friday, September 12th on World News Tonight and 20/20.

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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Re: Elections 2008
9/12/2008 9:36:23 PM

This is off-topic and not about the US elections but it needs to be said.  I have persmission from Thomas to post this.  I just wasn't sure where I should put it.

First let me share an email I received from someone on my list.....

AH wrote...
I have been aware since 2000 of the Islamic agenda. It is scary and real. Like you said, the media doesn't speak of this. I have a friend who is a missionary to England (my mother's homeland). She came to speak at my house and told how Islam is poised very soon to take over England. It is appalling. It took her two years to get a checking account for her Christian ministry because all the banks are owned by Muslims. Teenagers are threatened by gangs of Muslim boys. If they don't recant their Christain faith, they will be killed in three days. There are reports in the newspapers of teenage boys found stabbed or shot to's always "under investigation". The police are afraid to do anything because of the power of the increasing number of Muslims in England. We have much to pray about.
....end of email

The same thing can happen in Canada and the US.  When you listen to Brigitte's video, this is what happened in Lebanon which was a free democratic country at one time.  Listen as she tells what happened there.  If it is not on the video mentioned below, then listen to other videos on her site.  She talked about it on one of them.

It may not be politically correct to talk about this but by not talking we are hiding it under a bushel.  Evil cannot stand the light so we need to bring these things into the light and into the open.

For many, the following will be a major eyeopener......

Some people tend to believe that the Palestinians are being abused and terribly mistreated by the Israelis.  There are a few things we need to consider before we take their words as gospel.  For example, Muslim leaders believe it is ok to lie if it is for the sake of Allah, just like it is ok to kill for the sake of Allah.  As you will see it is not all Muslims but not nearly enough of them are speaking out against all the killing and terrorism. They also break promises and treaties for the sake of Allah.  It would be a waste of time and money for a nation to negotiate a treaty with them. 

The Palestinians may get roughed up by some of the more ruthless Israeli soldiers or police, and if so, it is wrong, but it is not the policy of Israel for them to do this.  This treatment is not unlike that which we see in our own countries within our police force sometimes in Canada or the US and so-called civilized countries and this also is wrong.

Because of the conceptions we all have, I have put together some links that give us another side of the story.  You will find the videos most enlightening should you choose to view them.  This is stuff you won't hear on the regular media.

If you do not have time now to watch all of these videos, may I suggest that you copy and paste this info into an email and send it to yourself so you have it for later.

In the first video, Walid Shoebat, tells his own story of his life as a Palestinian and as a PLO terrorist.  I don't want to tell you too much and ruin the story for you.  Here's the link >  >  >

It is 10 minutes long. 

The next link takes you to an interview with Dr Tawfik Hamid, an Egyptian Muslim.  He talks about the Middle East, Muslims and the need for Muslims to reinterpret the Koran.  There are 6 videos in which he is interviewed but I have only put the link here for Part 5 (8 minutes).  To see the rest of his videos, go to > >   and scroll down and find the videos entitled, "Former terrorist speaks out against Islamic terrorism"  Parts 1 to 6.  This is most interesting!

The next video is one of an interview with Brigitte GabrielShe is neither Muslim nor Jewish.  She was born in Lebanon.  She talks about her life there and her life in Israel.  Also she was a reporter in the Middle East and as such she has seen far more than the ordinary person. She is not afraid to say what she saw.   So if you are willing to learn another side of the story, you will be glad you listened.  What a story! 

The link for this is at  (See link instructions below).  I tried to get to the video from her website and the video didn't come up so you will have to use the link below.   It does take about 20 minutes to download with DSL so while you are waiting for that, you might want to read her speech at Snopes.


Go to this website, click on this link > >
Scroll to near the bottom and click on the icon (of a camera) in front of the statement, "Interview with Brigitte Gabriel".   This is well worth the wait.  And for you guys, Brigitte is easy to look at.  :))

Her website is ...   where she has other videos that may interest you.

There are a lot of other testimonies and stories on the GodTube site. Go to  > >   To see those, just go to the link and click on Testimonies

If you feel so inclined, you may write me and let me know what your thoughts are on this, bad or good.  I am Helen at

You may send this email to your list, if you wish.


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