
Jim Allen

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Re: Memorial Day Monday Profile of the Day ~ 05-26-2008
5/26/2008 12:14:25 PM
In Honor of the Choden Ones

((youtube id="WB76cYS8Ehw"))((/youtube))

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Jim Allen

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Re: Memorial Day Monday Profile of the Day ~ 05-26-2008
5/26/2008 12:18:10 PM
Have you visited Arlington?

((youtube id="wOih0MHNmZU"))((/youtube))

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Phillip Black

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Re: Memorial Day Monday Profile of the Day ~ 05-26-2008
5/26/2008 12:40:48 PM
Hi Stephen,
What a Beautiful and Inspiring Tribute.  Thank You so much for sharing this with us. 
(Please Click Below)
The Wall (I Touched His Name)

Have you forgotten him? have you let his memory fade?
He died for each of us, oh what a price he paid.

He was so very young, he was barely out of school.
Why did he have to go? Why is this world so cruel?

Through all the death he saw, and all the tears he cried.
We couldn't comfort him, we didn't get to say good-bye.

But I ran my fingers across his name
and I could almost feel his pain.
I heard the gun fire, I saw him fall.
I touched his name upon The Wall

He may be gone, but never forgot.
We have our freedom, because he fought.
God bless the Veterans, who took the call.
They'll always live there on The Wall.

I still have some photographs, before he went away.
I often wonder, what would he look like today?

Would he still laugh the same, and act like he did before?
He was so full of life, and then he went to war.

His life was just too short, why did it have to end?
Oh what I would give, to have him back again.

But I ran my fingers across his name
and I could almost feel his pain.
I heard the gun fire, I saw him fall.
I touched his name upon The Wall

He may be gone, but never forgot
We have our freedom, because he fought.
God bless the Veterans, who took the call.
They'll always live there on The Wall.

Have A Blessed & Happy
Memorial Day,
“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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Jo Matthias

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Re: Memorial Day Monday Profile of the Day ~ 05-26-2008
5/26/2008 1:22:58 PM

Thank you Stephen,

I am a vietnam era veteran and today is another extremely special day for me....I lost many friends in the Vietnam conflict. 

VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
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Jo Matthias

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Re: Memorial Day Monday Profile of the Day ~ 05-26-2008
5/26/2008 1:28:26 PM

BTW......I have never seen anything 'happy' about Memorial day. 

We reflect on the memories of those we know who have lost their lives, those we did not know who gave their lives and all others who are gone from our lives.   

There is nothing 'happy' about that.

Reflect and Remember.

VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
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