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Phillip Black

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Re: The Closet
5/27/2008 2:53:00 PM

Hi Nick,

Funny thing, even though I know it's coming, that Zinger at the end gets me every time.  Thanks again for the Grins & Giggles.


Think Fast

The minister of a city church enjoyed a drink now and then, but his passion was for peach brandy. One of his congregants would make him a bottle each Christmas. One year, when the minister went to visit his friend, hoping for his usual Christmas present, he was not disappointed, but his friend told him that this year, he had to thank him for the peach brandy from the pulpit the next Sunday.

In his haste to get the bottle, the minister hurriedly agreed and left. So the next Sunday the minister suddenly remembered that he had to make a public announcement that he was being supplied alcohol from a member of the church. That morning, his friend sat in the church with a grin on his face, waiting to see the minister's embarrassment.

The minister climbed into the pulpit and said, "Before we begin, I have an announcement. I would very much like to thank my friend, Joe, for his kind gift of peaches ... and for the spirit in which they were given!"

Have A Happy Week,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Jo Matthias

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Re: The Closet
5/27/2008 3:03:40 PM


I just didn't get the humor.  I have friends who went to Catholic school so I understant about the 'tough' Sisters.  I hope my post didn't offend you or anyone else.

Have a wonderful and blessed day!!!

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Nick Sym

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Re: The Closet
5/27/2008 4:25:16 PM
Dear Friend Lucy

Now this is scary !!!

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Nick Sym

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Re: The Closet
5/27/2008 7:52:35 PM
Thank You Dear Brother Phil !

The joke was great and I love the Church sign. Now you got me started - LOL

P.S. The Sign Changes

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Nick Sym

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Re: The Closet
5/27/2008 8:43:47 PM
My Dearest Jo !

The only way you could ever offend me is to say something bad about my Moma and I know you could never do that so I think you are safe.

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