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Neil Sperling

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Gif Animation
5/25/2008 12:20:24 PM
Thanks to Joe Downing asking about gif animation this thread is born...LOL

I've made a few animated gif for banner ads and simple website buttons but I am not a graphic artist so thus I can not help you with that.

What an animated gif is - is nothing more than a number of pictures placed in a file that flips through the pictures in sequence. You can modify moving gifs that you find or make them from scratch.

Below is actually TWO gifs inserted side by side
The one on the left is programed to loop a set number of times, while the one on the right only has two frames and is programed to delay opening the second frame and then stop.(does not loop)

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If you saved these two pictures on your computer and opened them with the FREE Micro Soft Gif animator found on this link HERE you will clearly see what I mean.

This one I modified by changing each frame
to MY words- "Holy Cow".... - The Original was Yeah Baby below.

This Banner (below) I also created. Use any program like photo shop, or ACD to create your pictures. I use ACD .... an OLD program that is a no brainer to use. The pictures need to be saved in "gif" format for the Microsoft Gif animator to work.

You can get lots more how to steps on the download link HERE!  There is no use in me re-typing what someone else already has done.

Hope you find this information helpful..... and have some FUN!

Love Light and Laughter

Neil Sperling



Jenny SJ

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Re: Gif Animation
5/25/2008 4:27:16 PM
Hi Neil.,

thanks for sharing that little download - very very handy

Here's my first effort with at a gif. but now I can make it change pictures too!!

Will be back if I make it!! LOL


Jenny SJ

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Re: Gif Animation
5/25/2008 4:29:28 PM
hmmm - back to the drawing board  LOL

Jen Maxwell

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Re: Gif Animation
5/25/2008 6:51:24 PM

Hi Neil,

Thank you for sharing.  This looks like a ton of fun!


Award Winning System cancels mortgage and debt interest on steroids! Without paying more each month! "The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate
Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Re: Gif Animation
5/25/2008 8:42:07 PM

Art work is good - was it supposed to be aninmated?
Love Light and Laughter


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