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Re: Philoxenia # Genocides - Genoctony of the Pontians - Part I
5/18/2008 7:42:48 AM

I will remember in my prayers today


N Ireland

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Re: Philoxenia # Genocides - Genoctony of the Pontians - Part I
5/18/2008 10:27:34 AM
Bonjour Georgios,

I feel very sad and angry that humans can treat their fellow humans in such a way, when I read about such atrocities and as has been pointed out, it still goes on today.

I will quote Peter's ending message and add that I wonder how many people would stop being sheep and actually take a stand to influence the world leaders (whoever they actually are [do we know?]):

It's about time we all took a stand against abominations of this sort ever happening again! We can influence the world leaders but it will take a concerted effort on the part of all of us the citizens of the world to do so.

WE Shall Not Forget AND WE SHOULDN'T!

Thanks for this thread & Shalom,

Angel cuddles,



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Re: Philoxenia # Genocides - Genoctony of the Pontians - Part I
5/18/2008 12:49:55 PM
Many thanks to Georgios, Peter Fogel, JoAnne Green and all who place their comments here in an attempt to create awareness and to try to make the earth a better place. We must realize that often, conscious or unconsciously we give power to other people to use force against other people to take their lives, liberty or property. Think about this, oppressors of all times use violence as their first tool or weapon; but they also use MONEY and WORDS. This last, perhaps the most overlooked for its own nature but equally damaging to humankind; if you have red 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' by Robert Kiyosaki you may recall the part where he refers to the mental laziness, that’s how powerful the words are. Therefore, lets encourage the thinking, the talking and the most important the acting. "These men---, the politicians,...-use their position, their knowledge, and their power of disseminating misinformation to arouse and stimulate the latent instinct for bloodshed. When they have succeed, they say they are reluctantly forced to war by the pressure of public opinion" - Bertrand Russell, 'War and Non-Resistance,'1915
Ideally we should encourage one another and build each other up.
Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Philoxenia # Genocides - Genoctony of the Pontians - Part I
5/18/2008 2:43:56 PM
Hello Georgios,

You have done an excellent work here. These historical facts must be known by the whole world. It would be great if we had no such genocides to refer and never have to feel sad about them. But what is more sad is that there are still people who deny the existense of them or some other who know nothing about them.

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Thank you.
Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Philoxenia # Genocides - Genoctony of the Pontians - Part I
5/18/2008 8:33:42 PM
Hi Georgios,

Thank yor for making us aware of these awful acts.

