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Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Special Prayer Request (5/13/2008)
5/13/2008 8:48:49 PM

I will keep Robert in my prayers.


Marion Tucker

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Re: Special Prayer Request (5/13/2008)
5/13/2008 9:45:15 PM
Thank you Jo!

I appreciate your prayers very much.  Also appreciate the beautiful
picture you put in here.

God Bless YOU!

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Marion Tucker

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Re: Special Prayer Request (5/13/2008)
5/13/2008 9:46:43 PM
Hello Myrna,

Wonderful of you to come by and thank you for your prayers for
Robert and the lovely picture.

God Bless YOU!

Highest Paying Business Network In The World! NEW REVOLUTIONARY ANTI-AGING BREAKTHROUGH!!! NO MORE PILLS OR JUICE, just spray nutrients in your mouth!
Steven Suchar

13302 Posts
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Re: Special Prayer Request (5/13/2008)
5/14/2008 12:33:13 AM
"Thank You Marion"  :)

Best graphics for your profile!
Re: Special Prayer Request (5/13/2008)
5/14/2008 2:45:22 AM

Novena To
St. Peregrine 
Glorious wonder-worker, St. Peregrine, you answered the divine call with a ready spirit, and forsook all the comforts of a life of ease and all the empty honors of the world to dedicate yourself to God in the Order of His holy Mother.
You labored manfully for the salvation of souls. In union with Jesus crucified, you endured painful sufferings with such patience as to deserve to be healed miraculously of an incurable cancer in your leg by a touch of His divine hand.
Obtain for me the grace to answer every call of God and to fulfill His will in all the events of life. Enkindle in my heart a consuming zeal for the salvation of all men.
Deliver me from the infirmities that afflict my body (especially.....).
Obtain for me also a perfect resignation to the sufferings it may please God to send me, so that, imitating our crucified Savior and His sorrowful Mother, I may merit eternal glory in heaven.

St. Peregrine, pray for me and for all who invoke your aid.



Prayer to Saint Peregrine

O great St. Peregrine, you have been called "The Mighty," "The Wonder-Worker," because of the numerous miracles which you have obtained from God for those who have had recourse to you.

For so many years you bore in your own flesh this cancerous disease that destroys the very fibre of our being, and who had recourse to the source of all grace when the power of man could do no more. You were favoured with the vision of Jesus coming down from His Cross to heal your affliction. Ask of God and Our Lady, the cure of the sick whom we entrust to you.
(Pause here and silently recall the names of the sick for whom you are praying)
Aided in this way by your powerful intercession, we shall sing to God, now and for all eternity, a song of gratitude for His great goodness and mercy.

St. Peregrine was born in 1260 at Forlì, Italy to an affluent family. He lived a comfortable life as a youth, and politically opposed the papacy.  After he experienced the forgiveness of St. Philip Benizi, he changed his life and joined the Servite order.  He was ordained a priest, and later returned to his home to establish a Servite community.  There he was widely known for his preaching, penances, and counsel in the confessional.  He was cured of cancer, after he received a vision of Christ on the cross reaching out His hand to touch his impaired limb.  He died in 1345 and was canonized in 1726.  He is the patron of cancer patients

My husband was given 6 months with terminal cancer, we say this prayer everyday.  He was diagnosed 18 months ago.

Marian I hope and pray it helps your friend too.

God Bless


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