hello -
I'm not saying my mother was bad,not its not like that, I just didn't know too much when I was a kid and I'm still learning all the time.
You begin to understand what your mother went through to have you, when you see your own wife have your children,
You begin to understand what your mother did for you when you watch woman take care of children and spouses-
cleaning the house, making dinners, shopping, picking up the kids, taking care of them, reading to them, listening to them,
When the kids get home who do they yell for, you guessed it - Mom!
Who takes care of the elderly, who nurses most of the sick, who incourages fathers and boy friends to watch their manners, and pay more attention to details -- its the woman -
Who takes care of the kids from infants to adult hood -its the mothers and woman -
I've often said, if I had to pay my wife for all the things she does for me, I'd be going back ward financially and other wise -
My wife, mother and other woman have made me a better man and husband and I know I have a long ways to go - yet -
As our families become more and more important for our social improvement and survival - we will see that woman and wives played a major part in our betterment - and that will be for eternity!
Roger L Martin
406-245-0675 mdt
skype - go4it06