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Re: Rebirth of W.O.S.A.T.
6/29/2008 3:49:40 AM
I just happened to see you post about getting another WOSAT team going at Adland Pro. I just wanted you to know that I do not visit Adland Pro on a regular basis and have chosen to make money the old fashion way. I enjoyed a number of the people that were part of the original WOSAT team and truly devoted my time and person to this effort. I Seriously can not support an effort to restart on the WOSAT path again at this time. In your last attempt it became obvious that running such a business in the form of a democracy was too inefficient to be a success. As time went on the members lost focus and you lost any ability to properly direct them as you changed the mission's direction several times as if flailing in the wind like a sailboat without a rudder.

Several WOSAT members donated substantial amounts of money in establishing and supplying WOSAT's needs. In the end I have noted that the people that did go that extra miles in the important work in creating our web sites and copy were amongst the first to leave Wosat. I myself had left my home here in California in my motorhome to meet up with you in Oklahoma City when I got a letter of apology from the person closest to you who had been with you from before the beginning and who had left WOSAT after a meeting werein you had gone out of your way to demean me in front of everyone present. Many of our key members were treated in similar fashion by you and they ultimately left. At one point a couple of WOSAT members decided to get married and while I didn't agree with their approach and I also didn't agree with yours. As I recall you stepped down as head of WOSAT during a full member meeting and wanted me to take over. I should have acted on your suggestion.

So there we were, Marilyn and myself in my motorhome because I had given notice to the landlord in preparation for our move to Oklahoma while you are on a shaky course down the drain. What was wrong with this picture? So there we were looking for a home as well as the $5000 move in costs, very limited internet access and too many things to take care of. In the meantime your answer to this was to conspire with Mr. Tim Southernwood and an unscrupulous snake by the name of Georgious to bring false evidence against my wife that was manufactured cut and paste style. Georgious had a forum at Adland where in he was defining the route meaning of peoples names. This was from info that he routining stole from another site and reposted as his own work.

The last straw. So armed with the fact that Marilyn had overlooked proper credit in her forums a half a dozen times over hundreds of posts in her various forums it was time to bring us before an emergency WOSAT meeting to deal with this. Now let's see, I had spent well over a year of all my free time while holding down a fulltime job. Nearly all of my dispossable income. My heart and sole and this is your idea of reward for me. Sorry Dr. King but I did the only correct thing to do at that point. I resigned as did Marilyn. Thinking back I recall being one of your best freinds and I must say that you had a responsibility to ask discuss the problem as such. We do not need freinds the likes of you, Tim Southernwood nor Georgious.

When I left WOSAT was in debt to Bob Pond about $500.00 but was billing us $3000.00.
WOSAT was still operating under my business license and your total lack of cooperation in accounting details has been a problem for me. I had been paying for many of the monthly cost for online services, the domain fees for our many sites, our boardrooms in which to meet for over a year and many were coming up for renewal. I was some what surprised about your strong arm threats as I quit paying and they started being shut down.  Well in the end considering your actions and inabilities to adequately run a business and treat others with proper respect and decoram I cannot reccomend that others join such an effort. We spent a lot of time in creating this website. If you hit the contact button you will find a number of people listed as officers of WOSAT that might prefer that you take it down. As for myself I request the you delete my images and any reference to me from your site as I do not consider it a resume enhansement.

Your Lost Buddy

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Re: Rebirth of W.O.S.A.T.
7/19/2008 3:51:52 PM
Gee how nefarious a memory from someone that had all the funds under there control and never made an accounting to the team and continued after leaving to collect funds due WOSAT held in reserve at Paypal in their account. As for friends you made the choice to support plagerism versus truth which doesn't surprise me. So when we start to tell stories we should get the facts straight. ....As for the move once again your facts are nefarious you stayed in California because you were getting married to your wife. That was after there was a place totally prepared here in Oklahoma for your arrival. One fact you did have right though the debt to Bob was only 500 which Mike owed and was paid by him when back ordered product was finally received. Though we never recieved the product back under your control which was due WOSAT nor an accounting. So Mr Martin A suggestion--- before you demean a valiant effort by someone who gave it all to the tune of even losing their home and health. be sure your facts are truth and not a pack of lies and in the meantime crawl back under the rock you came out from under and be very careful about demeaning others as snakes when the shoe fits 100% in your direction.
T.E.A.M. H.O.P.E. Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Everyday If You Want Something Different Then You Must Do Something Different. Http:// Meet You On Top, Dr King
Re: Rebirth of W.O.S.A.T.
7/19/2008 4:03:19 PM
Thanks Arild I am Blessed to have your continued friendship and loyalty I appreciate your integrity and honor.
T.E.A.M. H.O.P.E. Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Everyday If You Want Something Different Then You Must Do Something Different. Http:// Meet You On Top, Dr King
Re: Rebirth of W.O.S.A.T.
7/27/2008 12:01:57 AM
From Tim Southernwood: Ricks BS Date: 7/19/2008 Dear David, That was my first inclination, but on reflection I decided that to respond would be a worthless effort, even though it would back you,it would have no effect on Rick except to inflame this battle further, and I am almost two years past all that crap. I put a message in to Bogdan though, requesting that he remove "Mr. Martin's" Libellous post. I won't give Rick ANY airtime or even the satisfaction of a response. If he's spoiling for a fight I'm just too busy and not at all interested. Best regards, T -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Southernwood - CEO of the SUCCESS PATROL SuccessBlogNet We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
T.E.A.M. H.O.P.E. Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Everyday If You Want Something Different Then You Must Do Something Different. Http:// Meet You On Top, Dr King

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