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I'm Not Promoting a Biz. Opp.!!!
5/5/2008 2:32:43 PM

I online on a mission from a Vision from GOD. I 'm not here promoting a Biz. Opp. I've  been marketing online Full Time for 5 yrs. and I'm Really Fed up with ALL THE TRASH  online .The Network Marketing Community is Filled with SATAN Team players. What I mean by that is people Lying,Scamming .any way thay can to make a quick buck.And I'm Really TIRED of it .I'm TIRED of people failling,Struggling,Losing money Plus Being taken advantage of .ThaT's Really got  to STOP. And I'm online on a MISSION from a VISION from GOD to change that.I started a group that's 100% inspired by GOD  and True Christian Leaders such as myself and team up with christians all over the world and came together to form T.E.A.M._ Empower and our mission is to change the Network Marketing Community ! So if you want to join forces with True Christian Leaders and Mentors do so @ EmpowerThe World 08 @gmail .com      Together Everyone Achieves More!



Thanks In Advance

sedrick robinson
sedrick robinson

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