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Doris Beaulieu

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Re: So. What are you selling???
5/5/2008 1:53:05 PM

That is the bottom line Kenneth. It has to be something you feel inside and love or you'll give up and move on. Find what feeds your soul and the rest will fall in place. Thank you for sharing this posting with us.



Kathy Hamilton

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Re: So. What are you selling???
5/5/2008 1:57:34 PM

Hello Kenneth,

I just had to come back on real quick and say I feel that People need to Market themselves before any program. Building relationships now adays seems to be what others want first,I think its the Do you really care about me syndrome. You are your business and if more people relized it they would be alittle more productive in what there selling or doing. Just my thought on it.

Kathy Hamilton

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: So. What are you selling???
5/5/2008 2:02:41 PM
Hi Ken;

Another great post.  Hit the nail on head.

Next time I get the post from my friend on Adland about how cheap the product is I will send him this link.  It seems the most important thing is the price.  He also mentions near the end that he has been taking this for about a month and feels the difference already.  But, when asked for any reports done by the company and how it rates to other products I get no reply.

That is one of the main reasons I have settled on two products that I use.  One is a health product that has been around for 12 years and is on the Stock Exchange.  The other one is one that has helped me in several legal issues.  Been around for over 36 years and is also on the Stock Exchange.  Both, are very good and you get exactly what you pay for.  You can also be a member and get the advantage of cheaper cost and not have to promote at all.  If you do want to make a business out of either one the results are fantastic.  You get what you reap.

Thanks for the invite.

Sandra Hicks
Feel young inside and out. Frequency enhanced products. Check them out at
Re: So. What are you selling???
5/5/2008 2:29:07 PM
You are right in marketing yourself and there is a right way and a wrong way to that as well.

It's when you give to peoples' needs and direct them to solving their need you gain credibility. With that credibility you are responsible to give honest and valuable products/services. You may ask for a fair price for this. That is business.

I'll blow my whistle for a second but only for an example.

I offer drum lessons on my site and some are free and others via ebook. I also teach privately, do free concerts and do clinics in schools (mostly for free).

But, I get offers all the time to do a gig here and there and I take the ones that are lucrative for sure.

The point is I am teaching a service that the person can turn into a business if they want to. I make no claims to the kind of money they can make or will make. It is purely a service of their choosing. Is there a market without promise of fortunes? THERE SURE IS.

This is the real key to success. I have a proven skill that is in demand and I can offer my knowledge for a fee.

Marketing cell phones can be lucrative IF you have the knowledge that the public iis looking for.

The marketing to marketers is a tricky course because it can be very mislesding. People enter into it for whatever reason (Usually BIG $$$$$ Promises) and because they didn't research for a market they can be a 'specialist' in and tweak the info they get to fit the market they all usually fail.

Yes, information sells and the internet is the best platform for anyone to do this with. I see a lot of the randomizers, matrix, and so on similar to money laundering. It exchanges a group of hands so fast it can't be traced by anyone.

These statements are general and not intended to any one program.

There are so many ways for people to succeed on the interent but understand what you goal is BEFORE you try finding buyers.

Thanks for the post.


Re: So. What are you selling???
5/5/2008 2:59:46 PM

Thank u so much for such a great information. I started network marketing four month ago, there are good days and bad days, but I love the way you put it. Almost every ad outhere is about recruiting sometimes I wounder if there will ever be enough people to recruit.


Elloise Johnson

Ameriplan USA
