Dear Rudy:
You touched on a good point when you stated " One thing people need to remember is that it's more than just like writing a letter the editor of a news paper."
If you really study the good quality blogs on the net and I would suggest to anyone to use
SumbleUpon to do this, you will note that what people want to see is something interesting.
The reality is that people on the net have very short attention spans, so if you don't capture their interest in very short order, you will have lost them.
So how does one get around this?
Through strategies of using utility posts and link bait, plus the multitude of ways that a person can link and word track, using imagery and other ways, then you would be very surprised.
Again I will say that blogging is about digging into your niche, doing the market research to find out what it is exactly that people are looking for in any kind of niche and that does include science by the way :-)
Just for the heck of it, I did a very fast search on what kind of products or services can be found under the general keyword of "science" would be not to mention all the specialized forums that you could get involved in, now imagine just for a moment that you targeted that niche using a methodology that works.
My point is quite simple, as long as there are people looking for answers, then there will be a need for what you give them to help them.
Make it interesting? You bet you can! Is it an art form? Yes and No!
I hope this has been of use to you and others.
To Your Success,
P.S. I don't know about the hamburgers, ask anyone who knows me....i live on