Hello Peter,
I apologize for not being here sooner to show honor and respect for such a remembrance. I hope you don't mind my thoughts on this subject even though I am by no means an expert as to all that happened or of those who perished.
It is a difficult subject to believe that something like this is even or ever has been possible. As mentioned about complacency, we should all remember this phrase taken out of context... "All things are possible...". Next time you see a report about something that could potentially harm you or your family, think about it. The Jewish citizens (along with the others who perished) of these countries were loyal, hard working, family oriented, law abiding, productive and religious people. They trusted in the laws of their lands. I'm sure many believed that these things were temporary and that some one would put a stop to the unjustices.
Someone eventually did, but not who they expected to do it and not in time to prevent the horrific destruction of many people. My heart breaks every time I watch a video as Georgios posted or of the many thousands of photos from those camps. I think we all ask each time we see one of those pictures, "Why didn't that Officer put a stop to that?" OR "How could they not see the injustice in that?".
It was a time when everyone feared each other. Many in control had lost site in the true meaning of love. I think people lost the ability or desire to believe in truths and relied on others to think for them. Envy and prejudices took root and the destruction began.
I look around me these days and watch. I see prejudice on the rise. I see the lack of respect building up. People are beginning to disrespect the common laws of their lands. Where is the attention on love? I do see love, but it is not promoted by our media. Our schools no longer teach respect or love. How can we expect our children to operate with respect and love if it is not essential to survival during their days away from their loving families? What examples do they see in movies and TV and music and political episodes? These are sad things to see, but as we become aware we should quickly replace these acts with our personal acts of kindness. The only way this world will calm down and enjoy peace is with love and respect for each other.
I believe that the most powerful tool that we have in this world is not utilized with significance. Yes, I am speaking of prayer. Pray for peace!
Thank you Peter for bringing this remembrance to all of our attention. Everyone has posted some great thoughts. Thank you evryone.